Uso de servicios externos
Este ejercicio mostrará como se llama y se integra un servicio externo dentro de Ontimize Web. Utilizaremos el servicio externo de SWAPI por su simpleza, no porque esté relacionado de alguna manera con una aplicación bancaria.
Creando un nuevo servicio
Los servicios los crearemos dentro de la carpeta de shared, ya que un servicio es susceptible de que sea invocado en muchas partes de una misma aplicación, por lo que, por defecto, crearemos los servicios en esta ruta con el siguiente comando
npx ng generate service --skip-tests star-wars
Para crear un nuevo servicio, es necesario crear una clase nueva que extienda de OntimizeEEService
. Para toda la información relativa a los servicios de Ontimize, se puede consultar este enlace
En este caso, como es un servicio externo al que no podremos introducir datos, únicamente extenderemos el servicio de consultas. También crearemos un adaptador para poder modificar la respuesta de la consulta que se va a realizar para que encaje con la respuesta que espera obtener Ontimize Web. Configuraremos este adaptador en nuestro nuevo servicio.
import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeEEService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { StarsWarsResponseAdapter } from './star-wars-response-adapter';
export class StarsWarsService extends OntimizeEEService {
constructor(protected injector: Injector) {
public query(kv?: Object, av?: Array<string>, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object): Observable<any> {
const identifier = kv.valueOf()[Object.keys(kv)[0]];
let url = '';
if (Object.keys(kv).length === 0) {
url = '' + entity + '/?format=json';
} else {
url = '' + entity + '/' + identifier + '/?format=json';
return this.doRequest({
method: 'GET',
url: url,
options: {}
public configureAdapter() {
this.adapter = this.injector.get(StarsWarsResponseAdapter);
import { HttpResponse } from "@angular/common/http";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { BaseServiceResponse, OntimizeServiceResponse, ServiceResponseAdapter } from "ontimize-web-ngx";
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class StarsWarsResponseAdapter implements ServiceResponseAdapter<BaseServiceResponse> {
adapt(resp: HttpResponse<any>): BaseServiceResponse {
let code = 1;
let data = [];
const message = '';
// Adapt the data received from the service
if (resp.body) {
code = 0;
if (resp.body.results) {
data = resp.body.results;
data.forEach(element => {
const urlArray = element.valueOf()['url'].split('/');
const uuid = urlArray[urlArray.length - 2];
element['uuid'] = uuid;
} else {
data = [resp.body];
// Create Ontimize service response with the data adapted
return new OntimizeServiceResponse(code, data, message);
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Creación de modulo, listado y detalle
Después de crear los servicios, debemos crear el módulo y los componentes de listado y detalle.
Nos ubicamos en la carpeta main y ejecutamos los siguientes comandos, para crear el módulo y los componentes
npx ng g module --routing service-ex
cd service-ex
npx ng g component --skip-tests service-ex-home
npx ng g component --skip-tests service-ex-details
Debemos importar el servicio que hemos creado dentro del módulo service-ex, que es dónde se utilizará, y anotarlo dentro del array de providers
import { Injector, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { StarWarsService } from '../../shared/star-wars.service';
import { OntimizeWebModule } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { ServiceExRoutingModule } from './service-ex-routing.module';
import { ServiceExHomeComponent } from './service-ex-home/service-ex-home.component';
import { ServiceExDetailsComponent } from './service-ex-details/service-ex-details.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [{
provide: 'starWars',
useValue: StarWarsService
export class ServiceExModule { }
Ahora usaremos este servicio cómo si fuera un servicio más de Ontimize. El servicio será starsWars, la entidad será films y la clave primaria de la tabla será uuid
<o-form-layout-manager title="{{'FILMS' | oTranslate }}" separator=" " mode="tab" label-columns="title">
<o-table attr="films" service-type="starWars" entity="films" keys="uuid" columns="title;episode_id;director;uuid"
visible-columns="title;director;episode_id" query-rows="20">
<o-form service-type="starWars" entity="films" keys="uuid" show-header="no" editable-detail="no">
<div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<div fxFlex="70" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<o-text-input attr="title"></o-text-input>
<o-text-input attr="episode_id" sql-type="INTEGER"></o-text-input>
<o-text-input attr="director"></o-text-input>
<o-text-input attr="producer"></o-text-input>
<o-text-input attr="release_date"></o-text-input>
<o-textarea-input fxFlex="30" attr="opening_crawl" rows="25"></o-textarea-input>
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { ServiceExHomeComponent } from './service-ex-home/service-ex-home.component';
import { ServiceExDetailsComponent } from './service-ex-details/service-ex-details.component';
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: ServiceExHomeComponent
path: ":uuid",
component: ServiceExDetailsComponent
imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class ServiceExRoutingModule { }
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { AuthGuardService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { MainComponent } from './main.component';
export const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: MainComponent,
canActivate: [AuthGuardService],
children: [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'home', loadChildren: () => import('./home/home.module').then(m => m.HomeModule) },
{ path: 'customers', loadChildren: () => import('./customers/customers.module').then(m => m.CustomersModule) },
{ path: 'employees', loadChildren: () => import('./employees/employees.module').then(m => m.EmployeesModule) },
{ path: 'branches', loadChildren: () => import('./branches/branches.module').then(m => m.BranchesModule) },
{ path: 'accounts', loadChildren: () => import('./accounts/accounts.module').then(m => m.AccountsModule) },
{ path: 'serviceEx', loadChildren: () => import('./service-ex/service-ex.module').then(m => m.ServiceExModule) }
imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class MainRoutingModule { }
import { MenuRootItem } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
export const MENU_CONFIG: MenuRootItem[] = [
{ id: 'home', name: 'HOME', icon: 'home', route: '/main/home' },
{ id: 'customers', name: 'CUSTOMERS', icon: 'people', route: '/main/customers' },
{ id: 'employees', name: 'EMPLOYEES', icon: 'business_center', route: '/main/employees' },
{ id: 'branches', name: 'BRANCHES', icon: 'account_balance', route: '/main/branches' },
{ id: 'accounts', name: 'ACCOUNTS', icon: 'credit_card', route: '/main/accounts' },
{ id: 'serviceEx', name: 'SERVICEEX', icon: 'dns', route: '/main/serviceEx' },
{ id: 'logout', name: 'LOGOUT', route: '/login', icon: 'power_settings_new', confirm: 'yes' }
"title": "Title",
"director": "Director",
"episode_id": "Episode",
"producer": "Producer",
"release_date": "Release Date",
"opening_crawl": "Opening",
"FILMS": "Films",
"SERVICEEX": "External Service"
"title": "Título",
"director": "Director",
"episode_id": "Episodio",
"producer": "Productor",
"release_date": "Fecha Lanzamiento",
"opening_crawl": "Texto inicio",
"FILMS": "Películas",
"SERVICEEX": "Servicio Externo"
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e