Uso de elementos tarjeta en un componente
En este tutorial añadiremos tarjetas de acceso rápido al componente home de la aplicación, el lugar que tiene la aplicación para actuar como punto de entrada de la aplicación.
Agrupar elementos del menú
Agruparemos los elementos del menú lateral dentro de una categoría para luego indicar que queremos mostrar ese menú
import { MenuRootItem } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
export const MENU_CONFIG: MenuRootItem[] = [
{ id: 'home', name: 'HOME', icon: 'home', route: '/main/home' },
id: 'modules', name: 'MODULES', icon: 'remove_red_eye', opened: true,
items: [
{ id: 'customers', name: 'CUSTOMERS', icon: 'people', route: '/main/customers' },
{ id: 'employees', name: 'EMPLOYEES', icon: 'business_center', route: '/main/employees' },
{ id: 'branches', name: 'BRANCHES', icon: 'account_balance', route: '/main/branches' },
{ id: 'accounts', name: 'ACCOUNTS', icon: 'credit_card', route: '/main/accounts' },
{ id: 'serviceEx', name: 'SERVICEEX', icon: 'dns', route: '/main/serviceEx' },
{ id: 'logout', name: 'LOGOUT', route: '/login', icon: 'power_settings_new', confirm: 'yes' }
Una vez indicado que el menú lateral tiene algunos elementos englobados bajo un elemento padre llamado modules, podemos indicar que se muestren las tarjetas de todos los menús dentro del componente home
con el componente <o-card-menu-layout>
Dentro del componente <o-card-menu-layout>
podemos definir nuestras propias tarjetas con el componente <o-card-menu-item>
<o-card-menu-layout parent-menu-id="modules">
<o-card-menu-item button-text="{{ 'ACCESS' | oTranslate }}" title="{{ 'DOCUMENTATION' | oTranslate }}"
tooltip="{{ 'CHECK_DOC' | oTranslate}}" image="assets/images/ontimize.png"
o-card-menu-layout (atributos de o-card-menu-layout) | ||
Atributos | Valor | Significado |
parent-menu-id | modules | El identificador del elemento de menú cuyos hijos se renderizan. Cuando este atributo no está configurado, el componente construye una tarjeta para los elementos raíz del menú |
o-card-menu-item (atributos de o-card-menu-item) | ||
Atributos | Valor | Significado |
button-text | {{ 'ACCESS' | oTranslate }} | Texto del botón de la tarjeta. Si no tiene valor, la tarjeta no tendrá botón. |
title | {{ 'DOCUMENTATION' | oTranslate }} | Título de la tarjeta |
tooltip | {{ 'CHECK_DOC' | oTranslate}} | Información sobre la tarjeta |
image | assets/images/ontimize.png | Imagen de la tarjeta |
action | goToDocumentation | Una función definida en el componente llamada cuando se hace clic en el botón de la tarjeta y el atributo de ruta no está configurado |
Dentro de home.component.ts es necesario declarar la funcion que se indica en la card anterior para poder navegar a la url que nosotros establezcamos. En este caso, la documentación de Ontimize Web
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
selector: 'home',
templateUrl: './home.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./home.component.scss']
export class HomeComponent {
private router: Router,
private actRoute: ActivatedRoute
) {
navigate() {
this.router.navigate(['../', 'login'], { relativeTo: this.actRoute });
goToDocumentation() {"", "_blank");
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Añadir componentes a las tarjetas
Crearemos todos los nuevos componentes que tendrán las tarjetas dentro del módulo shared
npx ng g c --skip-tests --skip-import account-card
npx ng g c --skip-tests --skip-import branch-card
npx ng g c --skip-tests --skip-import customer-card
npx ng g c --skip-tests --skip-import employee-card
npx ng g c --skip-tests --skip-import service-ex-card
Al utilizar la opción --skip-import
evitaremos que el componente se importe y declare en el módulo shared. En este caso, lo que haremos será exportar una constante desde el fichero de menu ( para que pueda ser declarada dentro del módulo de shared. También en dicho fichero, añadiremos a cada opción del menú que queramos añadir la tarjeta su correspondiente componente.
import { MenuRootItem } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { CustomerCardComponent } from './customer-card/customer-card.component';
import { EmployeeCardComponent } from './employee-card/employee-card.component';
import { BranchCardComponent } from './branch-card/branch-card.component';
import { AccountCardComponent } from './account-card/account-card.component';
import { ServiceExCardComponent } from './service-ex-card/service-ex-card.component';
export const MENU_CONFIG: MenuRootItem[] = [
{ id: 'home', name: 'HOME', icon: 'home', route: '/main/home' },
id: 'modules', name: 'MODULES', icon: 'remove_red_eye', opened: true,
items: [
{ id: 'customers', name: 'CUSTOMERS', icon: 'people', route: '/main/customers', component: CustomerCardComponent },
{ id: 'employees', name: 'EMPLOYEES', icon: 'business_center', route: '/main/employees', component: EmployeeCardComponent },
{ id: 'branches', name: 'BRANCHES', icon: 'account_balance', route: '/main/branches', component: BranchCardComponent },
{ id: 'accounts', name: 'ACCOUNTS', icon: 'credit_card', route: '/main/accounts', component: AccountCardComponent },
{ id: 'serviceEx', name: 'SERVICEEX', icon: 'dns', route: '/main/serviceEx', component: ServiceExCardComponent },
{ id: 'logout', name: 'LOGOUT', route: '/login', icon: 'power_settings_new', confirm: 'yes' }
export const MENU_COMPONENTS = [
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeWebModule } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { AccountNumberRenderComponent } from '../main/accounts/accounts-home/account-number-render/account-number-render.component';
import { CustomertypeColumnRendererComponent } from '../main/customers/customers-home/customertype-column-renderer/customertype-column-renderer.component';
import { MovementColumnRendererComponent } from '../main/accounts/accounts-detail/movement-column-renderer/movement-column-renderer.component';
import { MENU_COMPONENTS } from './';
import { StarWarsService } from './star-wars.service';
export function intRateMonthlyFunction(rowData: Array<any>): number {
return rowData["INTERESRATE"] / 12;
imports: [
declarations: [
exports: [
export class SharedModule { }
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- account-card
- account-card.component.css
- account-card.component.html
- account-card.component.ts
- branch-card
- branch-card.component.css
- branch-card.component.html
- branch-card.component.ts
- customer-card
- customer-card.component.css
- customer-card.component.html
- customer-card.component.ts
- employee-card
- employee-card.component.css
- employee-card.component.html
- employee-card.component.ts
- service-ex-card
- service-ex-card.component.css
- service-ex-card.component.html
- service-ex-card.component.ts
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- account-card
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Componente tarjeta clientes
En esta tarjeta se mostrará el número de clientes totales, y cuantos clientes hay de cada tipo. En el fichero typescript se consultará el servicio de Ontimize correspondiente a los clientes y se almacerará en variables que puedan ser mostradas desde la vista. El atributo host del componente hará que todo el componente tenga a mayores la clase que se le indica en el css, y el atributo encapsulation indica el nivel de encapsulación que tendrán las clases css.
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-customer-card',
templateUrl: './customer-card.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./customer-card.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
host: {
'[class.home-card]': 'true'
export class CustomerCardComponent implements OnInit {
public customerAmount: number;
public vipCustomers: number;
public normalCustomers: number;
public otherCustomers: number;
public basicCustomers: number;
private subscription: Subscription;
private ontimizeService: OntimizeService,
private cd: ChangeDetectorRef,
) {
this.subscription = this.ontimizeService.query(undefined, ['CUSTOMERID', 'CUSTOMERTYPEID'], 'customer').subscribe({
next: (res: any) => {
if ( && {
this.customerAmount =;
this.vipCustomers = any) => e['CUSTOMERTYPEID'] === 2).length;
this.normalCustomers = any) => e['CUSTOMERTYPEID'] === 1).length;
this.otherCustomers = any) => e['CUSTOMERTYPEID'] === 3).length;
this.basicCustomers = this.customerAmount - this.vipCustomers - this.otherCustomers - this.normalCustomers;
} else {
this.customerAmount = undefined;
error: (err: any) => console.log(err),
complete: () =>
ngOnInit() {
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.subscription) {
<div fxLayout="column">
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'TOTAL_CUSTOMERS' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ customerAmount }}</p>
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'VIP' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ vipCustomers }}</p>
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'NORMAL' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ normalCustomers }}</p>
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'OTHERS' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ otherCustomers }}</p>
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'BASIC' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ basicCustomers }}</p>
Aplicaremos este mismo estilo a todas las tarjetas, por lo que aplicaremos los estilos en el fichero styles.scss, evitando así definirlos en los *.css individuales de todas las tarjetas.
/* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */
.home-card-title {
color: #cccccc;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: end;
margin: 0;
.home-card-home-amount {
color: #202020;
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
text-align: start;
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- account-card
- account-card.component.css
- account-card.component.html
- account-card.component.ts
- branch-card
- branch-card.component.css
- branch-card.component.html
- branch-card.component.ts
- customer-card
- customer-card.component.css
- customer-card.component.html
- customer-card.component.ts
- employee-card
- employee-card.component.css
- employee-card.component.html
- employee-card.component.ts
- service-ex-card
- service-ex-card.component.css
- service-ex-card.component.html
- service-ex-card.component.ts
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- account-card
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Componente tarjeta empleados
import { Component, OnInit, ChangeDetectorRef, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-employee-card',
templateUrl: './employee-card.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./employee-card.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
host: {
'[class.home-card]': 'true'
export class EmployeeCardComponent implements OnInit {
public employeeAmount: number;
private subscription: Subscription;
private ontimizeService: OntimizeService,
private cd: ChangeDetectorRef,
) {
this.subscription = this.ontimizeService.query(undefined, ['EMPLOYEEID'], 'employee').subscribe({
next: (res: any) => {
if ( && {
this.employeeAmount =;
} else {
this.employeeAmount = undefined;
error: (err: any) => console.log(err),
complete: () =>
ngOnInit() {
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.subscription) {
<div fxLayout="column">
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'TOTAL_EMPLOYEES' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ employeeAmount }}</p>
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- account-card
- account-card.component.css
- account-card.component.html
- account-card.component.ts
- branch-card
- branch-card.component.css
- branch-card.component.html
- branch-card.component.ts
- customer-card
- customer-card.component.css
- customer-card.component.html
- customer-card.component.ts
- employee-card
- employee-card.component.css
- employee-card.component.html
- employee-card.component.ts
- service-ex-card
- service-ex-card.component.css
- service-ex-card.component.html
- service-ex-card.component.ts
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- account-card
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Componente tarjeta sucursales
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-branch-card',
templateUrl: './branch-card.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./branch-card.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
host: {
'[class.home-card]': 'true'
export class BranchCardComponent implements OnInit {
public branchesAmount: number;
private subscription: Subscription;
private ontimizeService: OntimizeService,
private cd: ChangeDetectorRef
) {
this.subscription = this.ontimizeService.query(void 0, ['OFFICEID'], 'branch').subscribe({
next: (res: any) => {
if (res && {
this.branchesAmount =;
error: (err: any) => console.log(err),
complete: () =>
ngOnInit() {
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.subscription) {
<div fxLayout="column">
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'TOTAL_BRANCHES' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ branchesAmount }}</p>
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- account-card
- account-card.component.css
- account-card.component.html
- account-card.component.ts
- branch-card
- branch-card.component.css
- branch-card.component.html
- branch-card.component.ts
- customer-card
- customer-card.component.css
- customer-card.component.html
- customer-card.component.ts
- employee-card
- employee-card.component.css
- employee-card.component.html
- employee-card.component.ts
- service-ex-card
- service-ex-card.component.css
- service-ex-card.component.html
- service-ex-card.component.ts
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- account-card
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Componente tarjeta cuentas
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-account-card',
templateUrl: './account-card.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./account-card.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
host: {
'[class.home-card]': 'true'
export class AccountCardComponent implements OnInit {
accountAmount: any;
private subscription: Subscription;
private ontimizeService: OntimizeService,
private cd: ChangeDetectorRef
) {
this.subscription = this.ontimizeService.query(void 0, ['ACCOUNTID'], 'accountBalance').subscribe({
next: (res: any) => {
if (res && {
this.accountAmount =;
error: (err: any) => console.log(err),
complete: () =>
ngOnInit() {
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.subscription) {
<div fxLayout="column">
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'TOTAL_ACCOUNT' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ accountAmount }}</p>
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- account-card
- account-card.component.css
- account-card.component.html
- account-card.component.ts
- branch-card
- branch-card.component.css
- branch-card.component.html
- branch-card.component.ts
- customer-card
- customer-card.component.css
- customer-card.component.html
- customer-card.component.ts
- employee-card
- employee-card.component.css
- employee-card.component.html
- employee-card.component.ts
- service-ex-card
- service-ex-card.component.css
- service-ex-card.component.html
- service-ex-card.component.ts
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- account-card
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Componente tarjeta servicio externo
Como estamos usando un servicio externo, no hace falta configurar el servicio de Ontimize, únicamente inyectarlo en el constructor y realizar la consulta. Añadimos en el componente el servicio StarWarsService como providers para que pueda realizar la petición
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { StarWarsService } from '../star-wars.service';
selector: 'app-service-ex-card',
templateUrl: './service-ex-card.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./service-ex-card.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
host: {
'[class.home-card]': 'true'
providers: [StarWarsService]
export class ServiceExCardComponent implements OnInit {
filmsAmount: number;
private starwars: StarWarsService,
private cd: ChangeDetectorRef
) {
this.starwars.query({}, ['uuid'], 'films').subscribe(
res => {
if ( && {
this.filmsAmount =;
} else {
this.filmsAmount = undefined;
err => console.log(err),
() =>
ngOnInit() {
<div fxLayout="column">
<div fxLayoutAlign="space-between center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<p class="home-card-title" fxFlex>{{ 'TOTAL_SERVICEEX' | oTranslate }}</p>
<p class="home-card-home-amount" fxFlex>{{ filmsAmount }}</p>
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- account-card
- account-card.component.css
- account-card.component.html
- account-card.component.ts
- branch-card
- branch-card.component.css
- branch-card.component.html
- branch-card.component.ts
- customer-card
- customer-card.component.css
- customer-card.component.html
- customer-card.component.ts
- employee-card
- employee-card.component.css
- employee-card.component.html
- employee-card.component.ts
- service-ex-card
- service-ex-card.component.css
- service-ex-card.component.html
- service-ex-card.component.ts
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- account-card
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e
Añadimos las traducciones de las tarjetas
"MODULES": "Modules",
"ACCESS": "View",
"CHECK_DOC": "Check the OntimizeWeb documentation",
"DOCUMENTATION": "Documentation",
"TOTAL_CUSTOMERS": "Total customers",
"TOTAL_EMPLOYEES": "Total employees",
"TOTAL_BRANCHES": "Total branches",
"TOTAL_ACCOUNT": "Total accounts",
"TOTAL_SERVICEEX": "Total elements",
"VIP": "VIP",
"NORMAL": "Normal",
"OTHERS": "Others",
"BASIC": "Basic"
"MODULES": "Módulos",
"ACCESS": "Ver",
"CHECK_DOC": "Consulta la documentación de OntimizeWeb",
"DOCUMENTATION": "Documentación",
"TOTAL_CUSTOMERS": "Clientes totales",
"TOTAL_EMPLOYEES": "Empleados totales",
"TOTAL_BRANCHES": "Sucursales totales",
"TOTAL_ACCOUNT": "Cuentas totales",
"TOTAL_SERVICEEX": "Elementos totales",
"VIP": "VIP",
"NORMAL": "Normal",
"OTHERS": "Otros",
"BASIC": "Básico"
- ontimize-web-tutorial
- e2e
- src
- app.e2e-spec.ts
- app.po.ts
- protractor.conf.js
- tsconfig.json
- src
- src
- app
- login
- login-routing.module.ts
- login.component.html
- login.component.scss
- login.component.ts
- login.module.ts
- login.theme.scss
- main
- accounts
- accounts-detail
- movement-column-renderer
- movement-column-renderer.component.css
- movement-column-renderer.component.html
- movement-column-renderer.component.ts
- accounts-detail.component.css
- accounts-detail.component.html
- accounts-detail.component.ts
- movement-column-renderer
- accounts-home
- account-number-render
- account-number-render.component.css
- account-number-render.component.html
- account-number-render.component.ts
- accounts-home.component.css
- accounts-home.component.html
- accounts-home.component.ts
- account-number-render
- accounts-new
- accounts-new.component.css
- accounts-new.component.html
- accounts-new.component.ts
- add-customer
- add-customer.component.css
- add-customer.component.html
- add-customer.component.ts
- add-movement
- add-movement.component.css
- add-movement.component.html
- add-movement.component.ts
- accounts-routing.module.ts
- accounts.module.ts
- accounts-detail
- branches
- branches-detail
- branches-detail.component.css
- branches-detail.component.html
- branches-detail.component.ts
- branches-home
- branches-home.component.css
- branches-home.component.html
- branches-home.component.ts
- branches-new
- branches-new.component.css
- branches-new.component.html
- branches-new.component.ts
- branches-routing.module.ts
- branches.module.ts
- branches-detail
- customers
- customers-detail
- customers-detail.component.css
- customers-detail.component.html
- customers-detail.component.ts
- customers-home
- customertype-column-renderer
- customertype-column-renderer.component.css
- customertype-column-renderer.component.html
- customertype-column-renderer.component.ts
- customers-home.component.css
- customers-home.component.html
- customers-home.component.ts
- customertype-column-renderer
- customers-new
- customers-new.component.css
- customers-new.component.html
- customers-new.component.ts
- customers-routing.module.ts
- customers.module.ts
- customers-detail
- employees
- employees-detail
- employees-detail.component.css
- employees-detail.component.html
- employees-detail.component.ts
- employees-home
- employees-home.component.css
- employees-home.component.html
- employees-home.component.ts
- employees-routing.module.ts
- employees.module.ts
- employees-detail
- home
- home-routing.module.ts
- home.component.html
- home.component.scss
- home.component.ts
- home.module.ts
- service-ex
- service-ex-details
- service-ex-details.component.css
- service-ex-details.component.html
- service-ex-details.component.ts
- service-ex-home
- service-ex-home.component.css
- service-ex-home.component.html
- service-ex-home.component.ts
- service-ex-routing.module.ts
- service-ex.module.ts
- service-ex-details
- main-routing.module.ts
- main.component.html
- main.component.scss
- main.component.ts
- main.module.ts
- accounts
- shared
- account-card
- account-card.component.css
- account-card.component.html
- account-card.component.ts
- branch-card
- branch-card.component.css
- branch-card.component.html
- branch-card.component.ts
- customer-card
- customer-card.component.css
- customer-card.component.html
- customer-card.component.ts
- employee-card
- employee-card.component.css
- employee-card.component.html
- employee-card.component.ts
- service-ex-card
- service-ex-card.component.css
- service-ex-card.component.html
- service-ex-card.component.ts
- shared.module.ts
- star-wars-response-adapter.ts
- star-wars.service.ts
- account-card
- app-routing.module.ts
- app.component.html
- app.component.scss
- app.component.spec.ts
- app.component.ts
- app.config.ts
- app.module.ts
- login
- assets
- css
- app.scss
- loader.css
- i18n
- en.json
- es.json
- icons
- ontimize128.png
- ontimize16.png
- ontimize256.png
- ontimize32.png
- ontimize48.png
- ontimize64.png
- ontimize72.png
- ontimize96.png
- images
- login_bg.png
- no-image.png
- normal_24.png
- ontimize.png
- ontimize_web_log.png
- other_24.png
- sidenav-closed.png
- sidenav-opened.png
- user_profile.png
- vip_24.png
- js
- domchange.js
- keyboard.js
- .gitkeep
- css
- environments
- environment.ts
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- main.ts
- manifest.webmanifest
- polyfills.ts
- styles.scss
- test.ts
- app
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .eslintrc.json
- .gitignore
- angular.json
- karma.conf.js
- ngsw-config.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tsconfig.spec.json
- e2e