
The DialogService service can be used to open modal dialogs.

There are five types of dialog

  • Alert : In this case the dialog open it with the alert() method.
  • Info : In this case the dialog open it with the info() method.
  • Warning : In this case the dialog open it with the info() method.
  • Error : In this case the dialog open it with the error() method.
  • Confirm : In this case the dialog open it with the confirm() method.

Check the methods of the DialogService in the API section of this page.

Basic example

    <o-button attr="info" type="RAISED" label="DIALOG.INFO_DIALOG" layout-padding (click)="showInfo($event)"></o-button>

      protected dialogService: DialogService) {
    showInfo(evt: any) {
        if (this.dialogService) {
        this.dialogService.info('Info dialog title',
            'This is an amazing "Information" dialog');

Dialog component


Through ODialogConfig you can configure component parameters as type of alert, the text of ‘ok’ button, the text of ‘cancel’ button and the icon.

For example

const config: ODialogConfig = {
          icon: 'alarm',
          okButtonText: 'It rocks!'
        this.dialogService.info('Info dialog title',
          'This is an amazing "Information" dialog', config);

Customize dialog component

Get Response of Dialog

You can get the response of the dialog, for example, in a confirm Dialog you can get that confirmation or cancellation.


  showConfirm(evt: any) {
    if (this.dialogService) {
      this.dialogService.confirm('Confirm dialog title', 'Do you really want to accept?');
      this.dialogService.dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe( result => {
        if(result) {
          // Actions on confirmation
        } else {
          // Actions on cancellation

You can see examples of this section in the OntimizeWeb playground.