The FileManagerOntimizeService class provide a collection of methods to manage files and folders. The most common operations performed on files include uploading, downloading, deleting and searching from files, as well as creating and deleting folders for organising the work space.

File data model

The File Manager Service uses the class FileClass as the file data model. This class provides the following attributes:

  id: number;
  name: string;
  size: number;
  creationDate: number;
  directory: boolean;

Where the attributes indicates the following:

  • id: The file identifier.
  • name: The file name.
  • size: The file size.
  • creationDate: Timestamp that represents the date of creation of the file.
  • directory: Indicates wether a file is a folder or not.



Configure de Ontimize Web File Manager service.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
config Map yes The configuration object parameter


Get the files in the work space.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
workspaceId   yes The work space identifier
kv Object no A key/value object for filtering the results requested
attrs string[] no An array of string wi the searching fields requested
  • Return Observable<FileClass[]>


Download de requested files.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
workspaceId   yes The work space identifier
files FileClass[] yes The downloading files data
  • Return Observable


Download de requested files in a zip file.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
workspaceId   yes The work space identifier
files FileClass[] yes The downloading files data
  • Return Observable


Upload the provided files and place them in the provided flder.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
workspaceId   yes The work space identifier
folderId   yes The folder identifier
files FileClass[] yes The downloading files data
  • Return Observable


Delete the provided files from the work space.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
workspaceId   yes The work space identifier
files FileClass[] yes The downloading files data
  • Return Observable


Create a folder in the work space.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
workspaceId   yes The work space identifier
name string yes The folder name
kv Map no A key/value object for filtering where the folder will be created
  • Return Observable


Update a folder or file name.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Description
name string yes The file/folder name
file FileClass yes The file for changin the name
  • Return Observable

Extending the File Manager Service

You can define your own file manager service by extending the FileManagerOntimizeService class as follows.

import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { FileManagerOntimizeService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx-filemanager';

export class FileManagerExtendedService extends FileManagerOntimizeService {

    protected injector: Injector
  ) {


File Manager REST API

In this section we describe the REST API used by the FileManagerService.

Get files information

  • Path: /queryFiles/:workspaceId
  • Method: POST
  • URL params:
Name Type Description
workspaceId any The work space identifier
  • Data params:
queryParams Map A map with the search parameters definde as follows
filterMapA key/value object for filtering the results requested
attributesString[]Array containing the requested fields
  • Response: FileClass[]

Download a single file

  • Path: /getFile/:fileId
  • Method: GET
  • URL params:
Name Type Description
fileId   Array of files information for downloading

Download multiple files and/or folders

  • Path: /getFiles/:workspaceId
  • Method: POST
  • URL params:
Name Type Description
workspaceId any The work space identifier
  • Data params:
Name Type Description
files FileClass[] A list of files data for downloading
  • Response: Map containing the zip file name generated.

Download zip file

  • Path: /getZipFile/:file
  • Method: GET
  • URL params:
Name Type Description
file string The file for downloading
  • Response:

Upload file

  • Path: /insertFile/:workspaceId
  • Method: POST
  • URL params:
Name Type Description
workspaceId any The work space identifier
  • Data params:
Name Type Description
file   The uploading file
folderId   The forlder identifier that will contains the file uploading file
  • Response: The inserted file identifier.

Delete files and/or folders

  • Path: /deleteFiles/:workspaceId
  • Method: POST
  • URL params:
Name Type Description
workspaceId any The work space identifier
  • Data params:
deleteParams Map A map with the delete parameters defined as follows
fileListFileClass[]A list of files data for deleting

Create folder

  • Path: /insertFolder/:workspaceId/:folderName
  • Method: POST
  • URL params:
Name Type Description
workspaceId any The work space identifier
name string The folder name
  • Data params:
insertParams Map A map with the following parameters described as follows
dataMapA map with the insert extra information

Change file/folder name

  • Path: /fileUpdate
  • Method: POST
  • Data params:
fileParams Map A map with the following parameters described as follows
fileFileClassThe file data for changing name
paramsMapA map with a 'name' key containing the new name for the file