

The o-tree component allows to show data with a tree structure.

If the component is inside a form, the attr property is required for registry the tree in the form components.

This component extends the OServiceBaseComponent class, so you can bind the data origin to a remote server or to local data, as seen here. You also must define which columns to retrieve.

Nodes text

You have to specify which text will be displayed in each tree node using the description-columns input. This columns are a subset of the columns and its content will be separed using the string specified in the separator input.

The o-tree will show a base node if the show-root input is set to a true value, that node text is setted using the root-title input.


<o-tree service="customers" entity="customer" keys="CUSTOMERID"
    columns="CUSTOMERID;SURNAME;NAME" description-columns="SURNAME;NAME"
    separator=", " root-title="CUSTOMERS" show-root="yes">

Tree component

Quick filter

This option is enabled by default, the filter is visible in the top right. You can disable it setting quick-filter="no".

You can configure which columns will be affected by the filtering setting the quick-filter-columns attribute, which contains the columns separated by ‘;’. By default it contains all the columns of the columns attribute.

You can also configure filtering to be case sensitive with filter-case-sensitive="yes". By default, it’s disabled.

Tree nodes navigation

Setting the route attribute in the o-tree and o-tree-node components allows to trigger the navigation to the route indicated in its value.

You can define static routes or/and wildcards (that must be included in the columns attribute). For example:

<o-tree #treeview fxFlex root-title="CUSTOMERS" service-type="DummyService"
      service="customers" entity="customer" keys="CUSTOMERID"
      columns="CUSTOMERID;SURNAME;NAME" description-columns="SURNAME;NAME"
      separator=", " query-on-init="true" route="customers/:CUSTOMERID">

Clicking on a node of this tree will triger the navigation to the current route appending the static path customers/ followed by the record ‘CUSTOMERID’ value.

You can see this working here.