Service base

Components extending the OServiceBaseComponent class are components which have a service instance configured ready for ask for remote data. This class provides a set of inputs and methods and attributes inherited by all the service components. This properties are explained on the API section of this page.

For using the OntimizeService configuration (explained here) and have a unique instance of it in your component you shoud add it in the providers definition, as you can see in the following example. The class inputs are available in the static DEFAULT_INPUTS_O_SERVICE_BASE_COMPONENT variable, so a component implementing OServiceBaseComponent class will look like:

  selector: 'my-component',
  templateUrl: './my-component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my-component.scss'],
  inputs: [
    // more component inputs
  outputs: [
    // component ouputs
  providers: [
    { provide: OntimizeService, useFactory: dataServiceFactory, deps: [Injector] }
export class MyComponent extends OServiceBaseComponent {


Binding to remote data

To manage server data, it is necessary to configure the service and the entity attributes. You may need configure the service-type attribute in case you don’t use the default OntimizeWebService to manage. For more information see in App configuration.

Binding to local data

For local data binding you simply need to supply an array of TypeScript objects/JSON via the static-data property. Adicional, you need to set query-on-init="false" in o-table component.

If you need the data query to be performed after the parent-keys is updated, query-on-init = false and query-on-bind = true must be changed

Define columns

You have to define the columns of the database entity (if binding to remote data) or the properties of the static data items (when binding to local data).

CRUD methods

There are a set of preconfigured method names for doing the CRUD operations that can be overrided using its inputs: query-method, paginated-query-method, insert-method, update-method or delete-method. You can learn more about Ontimize services configuration here.

This are the methods that will be invoked when the component needs to query, insert, update or delete data from its configured service and entity.

Parent keys filter

When a service component is inside a form component you can configure the parent-keys attribute of the with the attr of the form fields you want to include in the query filtering.

Keep in mind that a service component will not send any request when the parent keys values are all null. You can configure the query-with-null-parent-keys to avoid that, but it is not always recommended, it might query for too many data.

Storing component state

Using the store-state boolean input allows user to choose whether or not to store the component configuration state in local storage. That state is returned by the getDataToStore method under the key returned in getComponentKey callback.

By default store-state it is set to true but with injection token O_GLOBAL_CONFIG you can desactive this functionality in the application or in the module as shown below.

  declarations: [
  providers: [
    { provide: O_GLOBAL_CONFIG, useValue: { storeState: false } },