In this section you can check the different releases of OntimizeWeb and its modules and dependencies, grouped by the angular version they are build over.
Releases and dependencies
Angular 15
ontimize-web-ngx | filemanager* | map* | charts* | gallery* | report* | keycloak* |
15.4.0 | 15.0.0 | 15.0.1 15.0.0 | 15.1.3 15.1.2 15.1.1 15.1.0 15.0.1 15.0.0 | 15.1.2 15.1.1 15.1.0 15.0.0 | 15.0.3 15.0.2 15.0.1 15.0.0 | 15.1.0 15.0.0 |
15.3.5 | ||||||
15.3.4 | ||||||
15.3.3 | ||||||
15.3.2 | ||||||
15.3.1 | ||||||
15.3.0 | ||||||
15.2.2 | ||||||
15.2.1 | ||||||
15.2.0 | ||||||
15.1.3 | ||||||
15.1.2 | ||||||
15.1.1 | ||||||
15.1.0 | ||||||
15.0.4 | ||||||
15.0.3 | ||||||
15.0.2 | ||||||
15.0.1 | ||||||
15.0.0 |
- The prefix ontimize-web-ngx was omitted from the names of the addons.
The addons theming and tree are now inside the core.
To see the beta versions click here.
To see the oldest versions click here.