This section describes how to build the production version of your application and deploy it to a remote server.

Simplest deployment possible

The simplest way of deploying your application is to build the development version of the application and copy the output directory to a web server.

  1. Build the development version of the application by running the following command:
     npm run production

    This command triggers the production script defined in the package.json file of your application (ng build --configuration production --base-href=/) The production profile used in the parameter --configuration production it is defined in the angular.json file.

  2. Copy everything within the output folder (dist by default) to a folder on the server.

  3. If you copy the files into a server sub-folder, modify the production script in the package.json and change the build flag, --base-href and set the <base href> appropriately.

  4. Configure the web server to redirect request for missing files to index.html. You can reed more about this topic in the Angular docs.

This is not a production deployment. It’s not optimized and it won’t be fast for users. It might be good enough for sharing your progress and ideas internally with managers, teammates, and other stakeholders.

Optimize for production

Although deploying directly from the development environment works, you can generate an optimized build by running the following command

  npm run production-aot-server

This command triggers the production-aot-server script defined in the package.json file of your application (ng build --configuration production --base-href=/your_application_path_in_the_server). The production profile used in the parameter --configuration production it is defined in the angular.json file.

Simple deployment vs. Optimized deployment

Comparision of the load time for the OntimizeWeb Playground.

  • Simple deployment: image-JIT

  • Optimized deployment: image-AoT


To set up the Angular service worker in your project you need to follow next actions:

  ng add @angular/pwa --project <name of project as in angular.json>

Note: the project part is necessary if you have a multi project setup

This command will do the following tasks:

  • It creates a depencency of @angular/service-worker in package.json

  • It adds serviceWorker: true in the production configuration.

  • It creates two files at the root of the project: manifest.webmanifest and ngsw-config.json.

  • It adds the manifest.webmanifest that was just created in the registered assets of the project.

  • It adds two lines in the index.html: A <meta name=”theme-color”> tag (you’ll want to change its value) and a tag pointing to the manifest.json file. Note: if you already had these tags in your index, it will not replace them. You’ll have to do it yourself.

  • It imports the ServiceWorkerModule in your app (only in production). This is the service responsible for the automatic creation and use of a service worker. Look for this line in your app module:

ServiceWorkerModule.register('/ngsw-worker.js', { enabled: environment.production })
  • It adds icons in your assets folder. You will of course need to change them if you don’t want your app to show Angular logos as icons.

  • Now you are ready to build your app:

ng build --prod

Note: If you are running your own build script you must add –prod flag to enable the service worker.
