
  npm install ontimize-web-ngx-filemanager --save


Add the library theming

Include the library theme in your application by adding the following code to the ‘app.scss’ file:

@import '~ontimize-web-ngx-filemanager/o-filemanager-table-theme.scss';
@include o-filemanager-table-theme($theme);

Import the File Manager into your application

Import the Ontimize Web file manager module in the module you want to use it.

import { OFileManagerModule } from 'ontimize-web-ngx-filemanager';

  imports: [
  declarations: ...
  providers: ...
export class ExampleModule { }

Add the File Manager to your component

Insert the o-filemanager-table component in your application component template.

You must configure the service attribute within the name of the service that manages the files in the server. You must indicate also the column name that stores the work space identifier in the workspace-key attribute.

<o-filemanager-table service="customers" workspace-key="ID_DMS_DOC"></o-filemanager-table>

If you want to use the SDMS file manager engine you need to add the type='S3' attribute to yours o-filemanager-table component.

Also you must indicate also the form column name that stores the work space identifier in the workspace-key attribute or define the workspace-S3 function as the example bellow


<o-filemanager-table type="S3" service="customers" [workspace-s3]="setWorkspaceS3"></o-filemanager-table>


  setWorkspaceS3(data: any) {
    return { name: 'default', data: { id: data['CUSTOMERID'] } };