
In this section we are going to make some simple changes in the code of the QuickStart app. We are going to see how to add a form field into a form. Once added, we are going to learn how to listen the component events. Finally, we are going to navigate to another screen of the application.

Add a field

We are going to add two real fields into the detail form of a client. First of all, we are going take a look at the layout of this form. After logging in, click on the menu item Views -> Customers. A table with several clients information will be shown. At this point, we will prefilter the results and select an client and going to the detail form (clicking on the magnifying glass row button). The aspect of the detail form is like this picture (check it on live example):

customer detail

For adding the field we have to open the HTML definition file of the form under the location src/app/main/customers/detail/customers-detail.component.html. The content of this file is something like this:

<mat-tab-group fxFill>

  <mat-tab label="DATA">
    <o-form attr="customers_form_edit" service="customers" entity="customer" fxLayout="column" show-header="yes" header-actions="R;I;U;D" #oDetailForm keys="CUSTOMERID" keys-sql-types="INTEGER" columns="ID_DMS_DOC" show-header-navigation="yes">

      <o-row attr="row1" title="CUSTOMER_DATA" icon="person_pin">
        <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="14px" fxFill>
          <o-image attr="PHOTO" empty-image="./assets/images/no-image.png" width="350px" height="250px"></o-image>
          <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutAlign="start start" fxFlex fxLayoutGap="14px">
            <o-nif-input attr="ID" width="160px" class="form-field"></o-nif-input>
            <o-text-input attr="NAME" width="160px" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
            <o-text-input attr="SURNAME" width="160px" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
            <o-date-input attr="STARTDATE" width="160px" class="form-field"></o-date-input>
            <o-combo attr="CUSTOMERTYPEID" query-on-init="no" query-on-bind="yes" filter="yes" value-column="CUSTOMERTYPEID" service="customers"
              entity="customerType" keys="CUSTOMERTYPEID" columns="CUSTOMERTYPEID;DESCRIPTION" visible-columns="DESCRIPTION" separator=" - "
              width="160px" class="form-field"></o-combo>

      <o-column title="CONTACT_DATA" icon="info" class="vertical-margin-10">
        <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="14px">
          <o-text-input attr="ADDRESS" width="374px" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
          <o-text-input attr="COUNTRY" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
          <o-text-input attr="STATE" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
          <o-text-input attr="ZIPCODE" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
        <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="14px">
          <o-email-input attr="EMAIL" width="374px" class="form-field"></o-email-input>
          <o-text-input attr="PHONE" class="form-field"></o-text-input>

      <o-column title="COMMENTS" icon="message" attr="row3" layout-align="start stretch">
        <o-textarea-input attr="COMMENTS" rows="4"></o-textarea-input>

  <mat-tab label="ACCOUNTS">
    <o-form attr="customers_accounts_form_edit" service="customers" entity="customer" fxLayout="column" show-header="no" keys="CUSTOMERID"
      <o-table #accountsTable attr="customer_accounts" service="customers" entity="customerAccount" parent-keys="CUSTOMERID" keys="ACCOUNTID"
        detail-form-route="accounts" edit-form-route="accounts"
        visible-columns="ACCOUNT;BALANCE;STARTDATE;ENDDATE" title="ACCOUNTS" sort-columns="STARTDATE" query-on-init="false" query-rows="6"
        quick-filter="yes" pageable="no" insert-button="no" row-height="medium" class="vertical-padding-8">
        <o-table-column attr="ACCOUNT" title="ACCOUNT" class="o-table-column-centered"></o-table-column>
        <o-table-column attr="STARTDATE" title="STARTDATE" type="date" format="LL"></o-table-column>
        <o-table-column attr="BALANCE" title="BALANCE" type="currency" currency-symbol="€" currency-symbol-position="right" thousand-separator="."
        <o-table-column attr="ENDDATE" title="ENDDATE" type="date" format="LL"></o-table-column>

  <mat-tab label="DOCUMENTS">
    <o-form attr="customers_documents_form_edit" service="customers" entity="customer" fxLayout="column" show-header="no" keys="CUSTOMERID"
      keys-sql-types="INTEGER" columns="ID_DMS_DOC">
      <o-filemanager-table service="customers" workspace-key="ID_DMS_DOC" new-folder-button="yes"></o-filemanager-table>


Analyzing the code, we can see the first o-form that contains several fields that take value from the entity customer specified. The parameter attr of each field corresponds with an attribute (field name) that exists into the response of the service of the entity customer.

We will add our real fields after the zip code field with attr='ZIPCODE'. So, we add the code below:

<o-real-input attr="LONGITUDE" class="form-field" min-decimal-digits="6" max-decimal-digits="10" decimal-separator="."></o-real-input>
<o-real-input attr="LATITUDE" class="form-field" min-decimal-digits="6" max-decimal-digits="10" decimal-separator="."></o-real-input>

The real input field corresponds to o-real-input, the rest of div’s and o-row are simply used to place the field according to the others. We set the attr='LONGITUDE' and attr='LATITUDE' because we know that the entity contains this attribute which corresponds with longitude and latitude of the customer’s address.

If you reload the page on the browser you will see the latitude and longitude field placed to the right of ‘Zip code’ field.

You can find all available fields and all of their configuration parameters into the Components section.

Listen to an event

The next change that we will perform will be to listen to the value change event of a form field. In this case we choose a date field (STARTDATE) which value change event will be triggered every time the user changes its value.

Just a little clarification before continuing: the fields are only modifiable when the form is in ‘edit’ or ‘insert’ mode. So, taking that in consideration, we have to use the form defined in the file src/app/main/customers/detail/customers-detail.component.html. The content of this file will be like this:

<o-form attr="customers_form_edit" service="customers" entity="customer" fxLayout="column" show-header="yes"
  header-actions="R;I;U;D" #oDetailForm keys="CUSTOMERID" keys-sql-types="INTEGER" columns="ID_DMS_DOC"

  <o-row attr="row1" title="CUSTOMER_DATA" icon="person_pin">
    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="14px" fxFill>
      <o-image attr="PHOTO" empty-image="./assets/images/no-image.png" width="350px" height="250px"></o-image>
      <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutAlign="start start" fxFlex fxLayoutGap="14px">
        <o-nif-input attr="ID" width="160px" class="form-field"></o-nif-input>
        <o-text-input attr="NAME" width="160px" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
        <o-text-input attr="SURNAME" width="160px" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
        <o-date-input attr="STARTDATE" width="160px" class="form-field" (onChange)="onDateChange($event)"></o-date-input>
        <o-combo attr="CUSTOMERTYPEID" query-on-init="no" query-on-bind="yes" filter="yes"
          value-column="CUSTOMERTYPEID" service="customers" entity="customerType" keys="CUSTOMERTYPEID"
          columns="CUSTOMERTYPEID;DESCRIPTION" visible-columns="DESCRIPTION" separator=" - " width="160px"

  <o-column title="CONTACT_DATA" icon="info" class="vertical-margin-10">
    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="14px">
      <o-text-input attr="ADDRESS" width="374px" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
      <o-text-input attr="COUNTRY" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
      <o-text-input attr="STATE" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
      <o-text-input attr="ZIPCODE" class="form-field"></o-text-input>
      <o-real-input attr="LONGITUDE" class="form-field" min-decimal-digits="6" max-decimal-digits="10" decimal-separator="."></o-real-input>
      <o-real-input attr="LATITUDE" class="form-field" min-decimal-digits="6" max-decimal-digits="10" decimal-separator="."></o-real-input>
    <div fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutGap="14px">
      <o-email-input attr="EMAIL" width="374px" class="form-field"></o-email-input>
      <o-text-input attr="PHONE" class="form-field"></o-text-input>

  <o-column title="COMMENTS" icon="message" attr="row3" layout-align="start stretch">
    <o-textarea-input attr="COMMENTS" rows="4"></o-textarea-input>

We also need to modify the file customers-detail.component.ts to include the callback for the event:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'customers-detail',
  styleUrls: ['./customers-detail.component.scss'],
  templateUrl: './customers-detail.component.html'
export class CustomersEditComponent {

  onDateChange(evt: number) {
      do whatever you want


Open a form

The last test we will do is navigate to another screen of the application. To do that, we are going to add a button to our screen and when we click on it, we navigate to the other screen.

Continuing with the example, we will place the code of our button in the file customers-detail.component.html.

<o-button type="RAISED" label="Navigate to 'About'" (click)="onButtonClick()"></o-button>

And we will modify the file customers-detail.component.ts like this:

import { Component, ViewEncapsulation, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DialogService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'customers-detail',
  templateUrl: './customers-detail.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./customers-detail.component.scss'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  host: {
    '[class.customers-detail]': 'true'

export class CustomersDetailComponent implements OnInit {

    protected dialogService: DialogService,
    protected router: Router) {

  onButtonClick() {

  onDateChange(evt: number) {
      do whatever you want


Analyzing the code we have to pay attention in a few things:

  • We use the Router component for navigating, so we need to import it and reference it in the constructor of our CustomersDetailComponent.
  • We add the callback function onButtonClick that will be executed when user clicks on button.

As we can see, in the callback function we call navigate method of router to navigate to other screen of our application. It is important to take into account that “/main/about” route was previously defined as a route of our application. For further information about routing check this link.

That’s all, you do not need anything else. When user clicks the button it will navigate to the ‘About’ page.