Some components in OntimizeWeb store their configuration in the local storage of the browser. This configuration may also be stored on a remote server in order to be loaded when the user uses the application in different browsers or devices.


For enabling this behaviour you have to add the remoteConfig object to the application configuration like in the example below.

export const CONFIG: Config = {
  remoteConfig: { /* Optional */
    path: '/configPath',
    endpoint: '', /* Optional */
    timeout: 60000, /* Optional */
    columns: { /* Optional */
      user: 'USER_', /* Optional */
      appId: 'APP_UUID', /* Optional */
      configuration: 'CONFIGURATION' /* Optional */

The remoteConfig enables the capability of loading and storing the application configuration in a remote server. It is also used to configure this behaviour. The only mandatory attribute is the path, the others can be omitted.

  • path: remote configuration path.
  • endpoint: the base path of the URL used for the remote configuration requests. Its default value is the same as the apiEndpoint.
  • timeout: the timeout for the remote configuration requests.
  • columns: the remote column names.
    • user: the name of the column where the user name is stored remotely.
    • appId: the name of the column where the application identifier is stored remotely.
    • configuration: the name of the column where the configuration is stored remotely.

Server side

If you are not using an Ontimize server on the server side, you must implement a facade for retrieving and storing the configuration.

Retrieve the user information

For retrieving the user configuration from your server you must send a GET request to an URL like the following: https://{ endpoint }{ path }/search. You must also send as argument an object that indicates the user and the application you want to retrieve the configuration for.

@RequestMapping(path = "/search", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<EntityResult> getUserConfiguration(@RequestBody Map<?, ?> filter) {



Store the user information

For storing the user configuration in your server you must send a PUT request to an URL like the following: https://{ endpoint }{ path }. You must also send as argument an object with the data to store and the user and the application identifier.

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<EntityResult> storeUserConfiguration(@RequestBody Object storeParameter) {

