How to use Material Design icons

Every Ontimize Web component having a icon input might use one of the available icons in Google material design icons.

How to change icons color

Here you can see how to customize the color of all the icons of a module.

To customize the icons color on Ontimize applications you must add the provider on the app.module.ts customProviders array as follows:


import { O_INPUTS_OPTIONS ... } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
export const customProviders: any = [
    { provide: O_INPUTS_OPTIONS, useValue: { iconColor: 'accent' } }

More info about the app.module.ts here.

Ontimize Web icons

The Ontimize Web components uses a set of icons stored internally in svg format. You can also use that icons as you can see in the following example:

<mat-icon svgIcon="ontimize:ICON_NAME"></mat-icon>

Where you can replace ‘ICON_NAME’ for one of the following icons (stored here):

KRW JPY add LIR keyboard_arrow_left keyboard_arrow_right keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up
menu delete edit save clear done autorenew undo
perm_identity vpn_key arrow_back mail_outline search today visibility visibility_off
more_vert filter_list power_settings_new settings drag_handle first_page last_page info_outline
error_outline check_circle close EXCEL PERCENT HTML PDF clock
folder_open fullscreen sort_by_alpha_desc sort_by_alpha_asc sort_by_alpha      

Adding a svg icon

If you want to add a svg icon to the ontimize icon set you must follow this steps:

  • Inject OntimizeMatIconRegistry service.
  • Define a name for your icon.
  • Store your icon in your app resources.
  • Use the OntimizeMatIconRegistry service addOntimizeSvgIcon method (It is recommended to use it in the app main component).
import { Component, OnInit, Injector, ViewChild, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeMatIconRegistry } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';

  selector: 'o-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  ontimizeMatIconRegistry: OntimizeMatIconRegistry;

  constructor(protected injector: Injector) {
    this.ontimizeMatIconRegistry = this.injector.get(OntimizeMatIconRegistry);

  ngOnInit() {
    if (this.ontimizeMatIconRegistry.addOntimizeSvgIcon) {
      this.ontimizeMatIconRegistry.addOntimizeSvgIcon('newIcon', 'assets/images/new-icon.svg');