Directive: o-table
Component hierarchy
- o-table
- o-table-column
- o-table-cell-renderer-action
- o-table-cell-renderer-boolean
- o-table-cell-renderer-currency
- o-table-cell-renderer-date
- o-table-cell-renderer-integer
- o-table-cell-renderer-image
- o-table-cell-renderer-percentage
- o-table-cell-renderer-real
- o-table-cell-renderer-service
- o-table-cell-renderer-translate
- o-table-cell-renderer-time
- o-table-cell-editor-text
- o-table-cell-editor-boolean
- o-table-cell-editor-date
- o-table-cell-editor-integer
- o-table-cell-editor-real
- o-table-cell-editor-email
- o-table-columns-filter
- o-table-columns-filter-column
- o-table-paginator
- o-table-option
- o-table-column-aggregate
- o-table-column-calculated
- o-table-context-menu
- o-table-insertable-row
- o-table-button
- o-table-export-button
- o-table-row-expandable
- o-expandable-container
- o-table-quickfilter
- o-table-columns-grouping
- o-table-columns-grouping-column
- o-table-column-select-all
- o-table-column
Inherited inputs
- from OServiceBaseComponent:
- attr
- columns
- delete-method
- entity
- insert-method
- keys *
- pageable
- paginated-query-method
- parent-keys
- query-fallback-function
- query-method
- query-on-bind
- query-on-init
- query-rows
- query-with-null-parent-keys
- service
- service-type
- static-data
- store-state
- update-method
- from OServiceComponent:
- controls
- detail-button-in-row
- detail-button-in-row-icon
- detail-form-route
- detail-mode
- edit-button-in-row
- edit-button-in-row-icon
- edit-form-route
- enabled
- filter-case-sensitive
- insert-button
- insert-form-route
- page-size-options
- pagination-controls
- quick-filter
- quick-filter-placeholder
- recursive-detail
- recursive-edit
- recursive-insert
- row-height
- title
- visible
Name | Since | Description | Default |
auto-adjust no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to auto adjust column width to its content. | yes |
auto-align-titles no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to auto align the table header cells | yes |
collapse-grouped-columns yes|no|true|false |
| Whether collapse the grouped columns by default | no |
columns-visibility-button no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a button on the header menu for changing columns visibility | yes |
default-visible-columns string |
| Initial visible columns. Separated by ‘;’ |
delete-button no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a button for deleting data | yes |
detail-mode none | click | dblclick |
| Action for access the edition screen. The priority between edition-mode, selection-mode and detail-mode is 1->detail-mode, 2->edition-mode, 3->selection-mode. | click |
disable-selection-function (row: any) => boolean | 8.8.3 | Function that will be used to allow row selection by changing the enable/disable state of the checkboxes of the rows. |
edition-mode none | click | dblclick |
| Action for changing a cell to edition mode. The priority between edition-mode, selection-mode and detail-mode is 1->detail-mode, 2->edition-mode, 3->selection-mode. | none |
export-button no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a button on the header menu for exporting data | yes |
export-service-type string |
| The service used by the table for exporting it’s data, it must implement ‘IExportService’ interface. Default: ‘OntimizeExportService’ |
filter-column-active-by-default no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show the filter by column icon in the table header by default | yes |
fixed-header no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to have a fixed header when the content is greather than its own height | yes |
groupable no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to group by column | no |
grouped-columns string |
| Grouped columns separated by ‘;’. Default: no value |
horizontal-scroll no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to allow horizontal scroll | no |
keep-selected-items |
multiple-sort no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to allow multiple columns sorting | yes |
non-hidable-columns string |
| Visible columns that cannot be hidden. Separated by ‘;’ |
oenabled no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not the table is enabled | yes |
orderable |
pagination-controls no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show the pagination controls | yes |
quick-filter-function (filter: string) => IFilterExpression | Object |
| Function for passing a custom filter value to paginated service queries |
refresh-button no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a button for refreshing data | yes |
resizable no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not the table columns are resizables | yes |
row-class (rowData: any, rowIndex: number) => string | string[] |
| Adds the CSS class or classes returned by the provided function to the table rows whose data and index are provided |
select-all-checkbox no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a option in the menu of the table that it have capacity show a column of checkboxes for selecting table rows | no |
select-all-checkbox-visible no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show the column of checkboxes for selecting table rows in the table | no |
selection-mode none | single | multiple |
| Row selection mode. The priority between edition-mode, selection-mode and detail-mode is 1->detail-mode, 2->edition-mode, 3->selection-mode. | multiple |
show-buttons-text no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show text in header buttons | yes |
show-configuration-option no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a option on the header menu for configuration | yes |
show-expandable-icon-function Function | 8.5.4 | Indicates a function that will be executed on table creation to show or not icon to expand or collapse expandable rows. The function must return a boolean observable. |
show-filter-option no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show the filter menu option in the header menu | yes |
show-paginator-first-last-buttons no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show the go to the first and last page in the table pagination | yes |
show-report-on-demand-option yes|no|true|false |
| Indicates whether or not to show the report on demand menu option in the header menu | yes |
show-reset-width-option yes|no|true|false |
| Indicates whether or not to show the reset width menu option in the header menu | yes |
show-title no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show the table title in the toolbar | no |
sort-columns string |
| Initial ordering, using [ ASC or DESC ] format. Separated by ‘;’ |
virtual-scroll yes|no|true|false |
| Whether enabled or not virtual scrolling by default | yes |
visible-columns string |
| Visible columns. Separated by ‘;’ |
visible-export-dialog-buttons string |
| Visible buttons in export dialog, separated by ‘;’ |
visible-export-dialog-buttons string |
| Visible buttons in export dialog, separated by ‘;’. Default/no configured: show all. Empty value: hide all | no |
Name | Description |
onClick | Event triggered when a row is clicked |
onDataLoaded | Event triggered when the data is updated |
onDoubleClick | Event triggered when a row is double clicked |
onPaginatedDataLoaded | Event triggered when the paginated data is updated |
onRowDeleted | Event triggered when there some row deletion |
onRowDeselected | Event triggered when a row is deselected |
onRowSelected | Event triggered when a row is selected |
onSearch | Event triggered when the quickfilter starts searching |
getValue |
Returns the current page table data. |
Returns |
any[] |
getRenderedValue |
Returns the current page table renderer data. |
Parameters |
any[] |
getAllValues |
Returns the table data. |
Parameters |
any[] |
getAllRenderedValues |
Returns the table renderer data. |
Parameters |
any[] |
reinitialize |
Allow reinitialize table options adding options |
Parameters |
OTableInitializationOptions |
toogleRowExpandable |
Allow to expand or collapse the expandable row. |
Parameters |
row:data, rowIndex:number, event:Event |
queryData |
Allow to manage the call to the service data. |
Parameters |
filter:any, ovrrArgs?: OQueryDataArgs |
add |
Triggers navigation to new item insertion |
Parameters |
remove |
Remove selected rows |
Parameters |
clearSelectedItems: boolean = false |
showAndSelectAllCheckbox |
Select all rows. |
Parameters |
reloadData |
Reload table data. |
Parameters |
editDetail |
Triggers navigation to item edition, receiving item data |
Parameters |
item: any |
viewDetail |
Triggers navigation to item detail, receiving item data |
Parameters |
item: any |
clearFilters |
Clear all filters(column filter and quickfilter) and reload data |
Parameters |
riggerDatasourceUpdate: boolean = true |
setDataArray |
Set static data. |
Parameters |
data: Array |
getDataArray |
Get data table |
getSqlTypes |
Get sqlTypes from data source |
Parameters |
getMenuPermissions |
Returns the configured menu permissions. |
Returns |
OTableMenuPermissions |
initializeCheckboxColumn |
Initializates the checkbox columns. |
reinitializeSortColumns |
Sort columns method which acept an especific order on its optional parameter. |
Parameters |
sortColumns?: SQLOrder[] |
setGroupColumns |
Group an especific columns declarated on the array parameter. |
Parameters |
value: any[] |
clearColumnFilters |
Method that clears the column filters letting update the result and choose the columns by their Attr. |
Parameters |
triggerDatasourceUpdate?: boolean, columnsAttr?: string[] |
refreshColumnsWidthFromLocalStorage |
Refresh the column with to the defined on the local storage. |
setGroupedColumnsTypes |
Sets the column types of a grouped columns with an Attr and Type array. |
Parameters |
value: OGroupedColumnTypes[] |
storeFilterInState |
Stores the filter definition on the State Service component. |
Parameters |
arg: OFilterDefinition |
setFiltersConfiguration |
Check the original filterCaseSensitive with the filterCaseSensitive in initial configuration in local storage if filterCaseSensitive in initial configuration is equals to original filterCaseSensitive input filterCaseSensitive will be the value in local storage. |
reloadPaginatedDataFromStart |
Reloads the pageable tables from the first record and unselect the selected items by default. |
Parameters |
clearSelectedItems?: boolean |
resetColumnsWidth |
Resets the column width to the defined or the default (auto). |
applyDefaultConfiguration |
Applies the default configuration to de table. |
applyConfiguration |
Applies a stored configuration depending on a table part depeding on the instroduced parameter. |
Parameters |
configurationName: string |
getColumnsNotIncluded |
Returns an array of the Attr of the columns not included on the table. |
Returns |
string[] |
getComponentFilter |
Returns the defined table filter. |
Parameters |
existingFilter?: any |
Returns |
any |
getColumnNames |
Returns the name or the Attr if dont have name of the introduced columns in the parameters. |
Parameters |
columns: string[] |
Returns |
{ [columnId: string]: string; } |
registerQuickFilter |
Define a custom quickfilter. |
Parameters |
arg: any |
getClientWidthColumn |
Returns the width of a specified column. |
Parameters |
col: OColumn |
Returns |
number |
getActionsPermissions |
Returns the permissions defined on the table. |
Returns |
OPermissions[] |
registerOTableButtons |
Register to the table the OTableButtons defined on parameters. |
Parameters |
arg: OTableButtons |
isColumnFilterable |
Returns true if the column is filterable. |
Parameters |
column: OColumn |
Returns |
boolean |
openColumnFilterDialog |
Opens the column filter dialog of the specified column. |
Parameters |
column: OColumn, event: Event |
getOColumn |
Returns column by its attr. |
Parameters |
attr: string |
Returns |
OColumn |
groupByColumn |
Groups the records by the column and opcionally the type too. |
Parameters |
column: OColumn, type?: string |
Returns |
OColumn |
unGroupByColumn |
Ungroup the records by the column introduced in parameter. |
Parameters |
column: OColumn |
Returns |
OColumn |
unGroupByAllColumn |
Ungroups all the records grouped by columns. |
filterByColumn |
Filters the table by the OColumnValueFilter. |
Parameters |
columnValueFilter: OColumnValueFilter |
refresh |
Refresh the table component. |
copySelection |
Copies to the clipboard the selected records. |
copyAll |
Copies all the table records. |
showAndSelectAllCheckbox |
Shows the checkboxs on the table and selects all. |
doHandleClick |
Emits a click event on the especified row. |
Parameters |
row: any, column: string, rowIndex: number, $event: MouseEvent |
viewDetail |
Open the detail of an item if it have permissions. |
Parameters |
item: any |
clearSelection |
Unselect the table items selected. |
isSelectionModeMultiple |
Returns true if the selection mode is multiple. |
Returns |
boolean |
registerContextMenu |
Adds the provided context menu to de table. |
Parameters |
value: OContextMenuComponent |
isSelectionModeNone |
Returns true if the selection mode is disabled. |
Returns |
boolean |
isAllSelected |
Returns true if all the rows are selected. |
Returns |
boolean |
registerTableHeaders |
Adds the provided table header to de table. |
Parameters |
tableHeader: OTableHeaderComponent |
isIndeterminate |
Returns true if the number of selected rows is not equal to the number of rows. |
Returns |
boolean |
masterToggle |
If the event detects that the user clicks the checkbox it select all the rows with the selectAll() method. In the other side if the user unselect the checkbox it use the clearSelection() method to unselect all the rows. |
Parameters |
event: MatCheckboxChange |
getColumnFiltersExpression |
Returns the complex expression from the column filters. |
Returns |
Expression |
Directive: o-table-column
Name | Since | Description | Default |
async-load no | yes | true | false |
| Asynchronous query for this column | no |
async-validators AsyncValidatorFn[] |
| Array of custom async validators to apply to the component value. Each element must be a Angular AsyncValidatorFn | [] |
attr string |
| Column name |
content-align start | center | end |
| Column cell context alignment |
editable no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not the column content can be edited. | no |
format string |
| Indicates the format in which you want to represent the date | LL |
groupable no | yes | true | false |
| Indicates whether or not the column is groupable | yes |
max-width string |
| Indicates the max width of the column in px |
min-width string |
| Indicates the min width of the column in px |
multiline no | yes | true | false |
| Indicates whether or not to display the cell content in multiple lines if it is needed | no |
orderable no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not the column can be sorted | yes |
resizable no | yes | true | false |
| Indicates whether or not to resizable the column | yes |
searchable no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not the column content can be searched | yes |
show-notification-on-edit no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a toast indicating the succesfull update on editable columns | no |
sql-type string |
| Data type according to Java standard. See SQL Types | OTHER |
title string |
| Column title | By default it is the attr translation except in the column of type action and image which by default the title doesn’t show it |
title-align start | center | end | auto |
| Column title cell text alignment | center |
tooltip no | yes | true | false |
| Indicates whether or not the tooltip over column | no |
tooltip-function function |
| Callback function that will be executed when the mouse pointer over the column |
tooltip-value string |
type string | boolean | integer | real | currency | percentage | date | image | action | service |translate |
| Column data type | string |
validators ValidatorFn[] |
| Array of custom validators to apply to the component value. Each elemnent must be a Angular ValidatorFn | [] |
validators-errors ErrorData[] |
| Array of custom validators error information (synchronous or asynchronous). Each element must have a ‘name’ property corresponding to the validator error name and a ‘text’ property that will be displayed when the component value does not satisfy the validator condition | [] |
width string |
| Indicates the width of the column in px or % |
Directive: o-table-columns-filter
Name | Since | Description | Default |
columns string |
| Filterable columns separated by ‘;’. For each column attr it is indicated by which value is filtered, whether by the model (MODEL) or by the rendered (VIEW), using VIEW as default. |
filter-values-in-data 'current-page' | 'all-data' | 15.2.1 | Set mode to supplying filter values. Whether the o-table set pageable=no, the default value is ‘all-data’, however if set pageable=’yes’ the default value would be ‘current-page’. | 'current-page' => pageable='yes' 'all-data'=> pageable='no' |
mode default | selection | custom |
| Indicates the component performance mode. | default |
preload-values no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show the list values when the filter dialog is opened. | yes |
Directive: o-table-columns-filter-column
Name | Since | Description | Default | ||
attr string |
| Field identifier. Registry property if component is inside a form. |
| ||
filter-values-in-data 'current-page' | 'all-data' | 15.2.1 | Set mode to supplying filter values. Whether the o-table set pageable=no, the default value is ‘all-data’, however if set pageable=’yes’ the default value would be ‘current-page’. |
| ||
query-method string | 15.2.1 | Service method name for queries | query | ||
sort asc|desc|'' |
| Indicates sorting default of the results. | ’’ | ||
start-view month|year|multi-year |
| Indicates initial view for datepicker. | month |
Directive: o-table-paginator
Name | Since | Description | Default |
page-size number |
| Number of items to display on a page. By default set to 10 | 10 |
page-size-options array |
| The set of provided page size options to display to the user. | 10; 25; 50; 100 |
Directive: o-table-option
Name | Since | Description | Default |
attr string |
| Field identifier. Registry property if component is inside a form. |
enabled no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not the field is enabled | yes |
icon string |
| Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) | priority_high |
label string |
| Field label |
show-active-icon no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a icon when option is active | no |
Directive: o-table-column-aggregate
Name | Since | Description | Default |
aggregate sum | count | avg | min | max |
| Default functions aggregate | sum |
attr string |
| Column name |
functionAggregate (value:any[]) => number |
| Custom function aggregate |
title string |
| Title for the header total column. |
Directive: o-table-column-calculated
Name | Since | Description |
operation string |
| Define the formula for the calculated column. |
operation-function (rowData: any[]) => number |
| Responsible function for calculating the column values. It shoud return a number. The param ‘rowData’ contains the row values. |
Directive: o-table-context-menu
Name | Since | Description | Default |
context-menu OContextMenuComponent |
| Context menu component reference. |
copy boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the option copy in the contextual menu. | yes |
delete boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the option to delete all in the contextual menu. | yes |
edit boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the option edit in the contextual menu. | yes |
filter boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the filtering options in the contextual menu. | yes |
group-by-row boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the option to group by row in the contextual menu. | yes |
insert boolean |
| Indicates whether the option to insert in the contextual menu is shown. | yes |
refresh boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the option to refresh all in the contextual menu. | yes |
select-all boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the option to select all in the contextual menu. | yes |
view-detail boolean |
| Indicates whether or not to show the option view details in the contextual menu. | no |
Directive: o-table-insertable-row
Name | Since | Description | Default |
columns string |
| Insertable columns. Separated by ‘;’ | All visible columns |
include-parent-keys no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to include the table parent-keys values in the insertion values | yes |
position first | last |
| Indicates wheter the insertable row is shown as first or last table record. | last |
requiredColumns string |
| Required columns for doing a insertion. Separated by ‘;’ |
show-placeholder no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show placeholder in row controls. | no |
Name | Description |
onPostInsertRecord | Event triggered when a successful insertion is done |
Directive: o-table-button
Name | Since | Description | Default |
attr string |
| Field identifier. Registry property if component is inside a form. |
enabled no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not the field is enabled | yes |
icon string |
| Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) | priority_high |
icon-position left | right |
| Icon position with respect to the text (if exists) | left |
label string |
| Field label |
svg-icon string |
| Name of svg icon |
Directive: o-table-export-button
Name | Since | Description | Default |
export-function () => void | 15.4.2 | Custom function to be executed when the export button is clicked |
export-type string |
| Indicates the exportation type |
icon string |
| Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) | priority_high |
label string |
| Field label |
svg-icon string |
| Name of svg icon |
Name | Description |
onClick | Event triggered when the export button is clicked. |
Directive: o-table-row-expandable
Name | Since | Description | Default |
expandable-column-visible no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show a expandable column. | yes |
icon-collapse string |
| Icon name to collapse of google icon (see Google material design icons) | remove |
icon-expand string |
| Icon name to expand of google icon (see Google material design icons) | add |
multiple no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to show multiple expanded rows at once. | yes |
Name | Description |
onCollapsed | Event triggered when a row is collapsed |
onExpanded | Event triggered when a row is expanded |
Directive: o-expandable-container
Name | Since | Description |
data object |
targets Array |
| Components whose query will be launched when expanding the row |
Directive: o-table-quickfilter
Name | Since | Description |
quick-filter-placeholder string |
| Quick filter input placeholder text |
Name | Description |
onChange | Event triggered when the quick filter value changes |
Directive: o-table-columns-grouping
Name | Since | Description |
columns string |
| Grouped columns separated by ‘;’. Default: no value |
excluded-aggregate-columns string[] |
| Excluded columns from aggregation operations separated by ‘;’. Default: no value |
Directive: o-table-columns-grouping-column
Name | Since | Description | Default |
aggregate sum | count | avg | min | max |
| Default functions aggregate | sum |
aggregate-function (value: any[]) => number |
| Function that calculates a value on the values of the column ‘attr’ |
aggregate-name string |
| Name of the aggregate option |
attr string |
| The column name |
change-aggregate-same-level boolean |
| Whether change the aggregate function on all grouped rows of the same level | true |
expand-groups-same-level boolean |
| Whether click in row expands/collapses all rows on same level. By default: true | true |
title string |
| Title for the header aggregate column |
Directive: o-table-column-select-all
Name | Since | Description | Default |
max-width string | 8.12.0 | Indicates the min width of the column in px |
min-width string | 8.12.0 | Indicates the min width of the column in px |
resizable no | yes | true | false | 8.12.0 | Indicates whether or not to resizable the column | yes |
title string | 8.12.0 | Title for the header aggregate column |
width string | 8.12.0 | Indicates the width of the column in px or % |
OTableCellRendererActionComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-action
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
action detail | edit |
| Default action of the cell when its clicked, triggers the navigation to the indicated mode |
icon string |
| Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) |
icon-position left | right |
| Icon position with respect to the text (if exists) | left |
svg-icon string |
| Name of svg icon |
text string |
| Cell text |
Name | Description |
onClick | Event triggered when cell renderer is clicked |
OTableCellRendererBooleanComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-boolean
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
boolean-type number | boolean | string |
| Type of the cell value | boolean |
false-value string |
| Value considered as false |
render-false-value string |
| Value displayed as false |
render-true-value string |
| Value displayed as true |
render-type string | number | icon | image |
| Type of the cell displayed value | string |
true-value string |
| Value considered as true |
OTableCellRendererCurrencyComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-currency
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
currency-symbol string |
| Currency symbol (According to ISO 4217) | dolar ($) |
currency-symbol-position left | right |
| Position of currency symbol | left |
decimal-separator string |
| Decimal digits chacarter separator | Dot (.) |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits | yes |
max-decimal-digits number |
| The maximun number of decimal digits | 2 |
min-decimal-digits number |
| The minimum number of decimal digits | 2 |
thousand-separator string |
| Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) | Comma (,) |
OTableCellRendererDateComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-date
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description |
format string |
| Date format. See MomentJS |
OTableCellRendererIntegerComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-integer
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits | yes |
thousand-separator string |
| Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) | Comma (,) |
OTableCellRendererImageComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-image
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
avatar no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to visualize image as an avatar (as a circle) | no |
empty-image string |
| Image URL when field has no value |
image-type base64 | url |
| Image type (external URL or base64) | Model value |
OTableCellRendererPercentageComponent extends OTableCellRendererRealComponent
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-percentage
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
decimal-separator string |
| Decimal digits chacarter separator | Dot (.) |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits | yes |
max-decimal-digits number |
| The maximun number of decimal digits | 0 |
min-decimal-digits number |
| The minimum number of decimal digits | 2 |
thousand-separator string |
| Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) | Comma (,) |
value-base 1 | 100 |
| Indicates whether de numeral system of the value received by the cell renderer is 1 or 100 | 1 |
OTableCellRendererRealComponent extends OTableCellRendererIntegerComponent
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-real
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
decimal-separator string |
| Decimal digits chacarter separator | Dot (.) |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits | yes |
max-decimal-digits number |
| The maximun number of decimal digits | 2 |
min-decimal-digits number |
| The minimum number of decimal digits | 2 |
thousand-separator string |
| Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) | Comma (,) |
OTableCellRendererServiceComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-service
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
columns string |
| Entity columns. Separated by ‘;’ |
entity string |
| Service entity name |
parent-keys string |
| Filtering keys. Separated by ‘;’. It is possible to use alias on the following way: entityCol1:tableCol1;entityCol2;tableCol2… where entityCol1 and entityCol2 are columns from the entity requested in the cell renderer and tableCol1 and tableCol2 are table columns. |
query-method string |
| Service method name for queries | query |
service string |
| JEE service path |
service-type string |
| Injection token indicated in the provider of the service |
value-column string |
| Column of the entity from where the component will get its value |
OTableCellRendererTranslateComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-translate
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description |
translate-params (rowData: any) => any[] |
| Function that receives the row data and return the parameters for the translate pipe |
OTableCellRendererTimeComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-time
Inherited properties
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Since | Description | Default |
format string |
| Date and time format. See MomentJS | L HH:hh a |
OTableCellEditorTextComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-text
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
No additional inputs
Inherited outputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorBooleanComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-boolean
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Since | Description | Default |
auto-commit yes | no | true | false |
| Indicates whether or not to automatically change the cell value without rendering the editor (a checkbox) | yes |
boolean-type number | boolean | string |
| Type of the cell value | boolean |
false-value number | boolean | string |
| Value considered as false | false |
indeterminate-on-null no | false | yes | true |
| no |
true-value number | boolean | string |
| Value considered as true | true |
Inherited outputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorDateComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-date
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Since | Description | Default |
date-value-type timestamp | string |
| Inner value type of the table cell. Used for sending the cell data to the server in order to perform an update | string |
filter-date (date: Date) => boolean |
| Function for filtering datepicker possible values |
format string |
| Date format. See MomentJS |
locale string. Values like es, en, ... |
| Configured language locale | Application configured locale |
max string |
| Maximum selectable date |
min string |
| Minimum selectable date |
start-at string |
| Start date |
start-view month | year |
| month |
touch-ui no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates wheter to use the datepicker ‘touch-ui’ mode | no |
Inherited outputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorIntegerComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-integer
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Since | Description | Default |
max number |
| Maximum value |
min number |
| Minimum value |
step number |
| Number interval | 1 |
Inherited outputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorRealComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-real
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Since | Description | Default |
max number |
| Maximum value |
min number |
| Minimum value |
step number |
| Number interval | 0.01 |
Inherited outputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorTimeComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-time
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Since | Description | Default |
date-format string |
| Date format. See MomentJS format | MomentJS localized format L (see Localized formats in MomentJS format) |
date-locale string. Values like es, en, ... |
| Configured language locale | Application configured locale |
date-max string |
| Maximum selectable date |
date-min string |
| Minimum selectable date |
date-placeholder string |
| The placeholder text for the date input |
date-start-at string |
| Start date |
date-text-input-enabled no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to allow the user to edit the date input manually | yes |
hour-format 12 | 24 |
| Hour format. 12 hours format with AM PM | 24 |
hour-max string |
| Maximum selectable date |
hour-min string |
| Minimum selectable date |
hour-placeholder string |
| The placeholder text for the hour input |
hour-text-input-enabled no | false | yes | true |
| Indicates whether or not to allow the user to edit the hour input manually | yes |
Inherited outputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorEmailComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-email
Inherited inputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
No additional inputs
Inherited outputs
- from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
Type: OTableGlobalConfig
Represents the default options for the table that can be configured using the O_TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG injection token.
type OTableGlobalConfig = { autoAdjust: boolean; autoAlignTitles: boolean; filterColumnActiveByDefault: boolean; editionMode: OTableEditionMode; detailMode: OTableDetailMode; rowHeight: ORowHeight };
- autoAdjust: false | true
- autoAlignTitles: false | true
- detailMode: 'none' | 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'doubleclick'
- editionMode: 'none' | 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'doubleclick'
- filterColumnActiveByDefault: false | true
- rowHeight: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
Type: OTableGroupedRow
OTableGroupedRow {- column: any
- expanded: boolean
- level: int
- parent: OTableGroupedRow
- totalCounts: number
- visible: boolean
Type: OTableInitializationOptions
OTableInitializationOptions {- columns?: string
- entity?: string
- filterColumns: string
- keys?: string
- parentKeys?: string
- service?: string
- sortColumns?: string
- visibleColumns?: string
Injection token that can be used to set global options for the table or within an application or module.
const O_TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG:InjectionToken;