Directive: o-table
Inherited inputs
from OServiceBaseComponent:
- attr
- columns
- delete-method
- entity
- insert-method
- keys
- pageable
- paginated-query-method
- parent-keys
- query-fallback-function
- query-method
- query-on-bind
- query-on-init
- query-rows
- query-with-null-parent-keys
- service
- service-type
- static-data
- store-state
- update-method
from OServiceComponent:
- controls
- detail-button-in-row
- detail-button-in-row-icon
- detail-form-route
- detail-mode
- edit-button-in-row
- edit-button-in-row-icon
- edit-form-route
- enabled
- filter-case-sensitive
- insert-button
- insert-form-route
- quick-filter
- recursive-detail
- recursive-edit
- recursive-insert
- row-height
- title
- visible
Name | Description | Default |
auto-align-titles no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to auto align the table header cells |
no |
columns-visibility-button no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a button on the header menu for changing columns visibility |
yes |
delete-button no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a button for deleting data |
yes |
detail-mode none | click | dblclick |
Action for access the edition screen. The priority between edition-mode, selection-mode and detail-mode is 1->detail-mode, 2->edition-mode, 3->selection-mode. |
click |
edition-mode none | click | dblclick |
Action for changing a cell to edition mode. The priority between edition-mode, selection-mode and detail-mode is 1->detail-mode, 2->edition-mode, 3->selection-mode. |
none |
enabled no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the table is enabled |
yes |
export-button no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a button on the header menu for exporting data |
yes |
export-mode visible | local | all |
Mode export data |
visible |
filter-column-active-by-default no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show the filter by column icon in the table header by default |
no |
fixed-header no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to have a fixed header and footer when the content is greather than its own height |
no |
horizontal-scroll no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to allow horizontal scroll |
no |
keep-selected-items |
multiple-sort no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to allow multiple columns sorting |
yes |
orderable |
pagination-controls no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show the pagination controls |
yes |
quick-filter-function (filter: string) => IFilterExpression | Object |
Function for passing a custom filter value to paginated service queries |
refresh-button no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a button for refreshing data |
yes |
resizable no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the table columns are resizables |
yes |
row-class (rowData: any, rowIndex: number) => string | string[] |
Adds the CSS class or classes returned by the provided function to the table rows whose data and index are provided |
select-all-checkbox no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a option in the menu of the table that it have capacity show a column of checkboxes for selecting table rows |
no |
select-all-checkbox-visible no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show the column of checkboxes for selecting table rows in the table |
no |
select-column-visible no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the table columns are resizables |
yes |
selection-mode none | simple | multiple |
Row selection mode. The priority between edition-mode, selection-mode and detail-mode is 1->detail-mode, 2->edition-mode, 3->selection-mode. |
multiple |
show-buttons-text no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show text in header buttons |
yes |
show-configuration-option no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a option on the header menu for configuration |
yes |
show-filter-option no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show the filter menu option in the header menu |
yes |
show-paginator-first-last-buttons no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show the go to the first and last page in the table pagination |
yes |
show-table-buttons-text no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show table actions text alongside icons |
yes |
show-title no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show the table title in the toolbar |
no |
sort-columns string |
Initial ordering, using [ ASC or DESC ] format. Separated by ‘;’ |
visible-columns string |
Visible columns. Separated by ‘;’ |
visible-export-dialog-buttons string |
Visible buttons in export dialog, separated by ‘;’ |
Name | Description |
onClick |
Event triggered when a row is clicked |
onDataLoaded |
Event triggered when the data is updated |
onDoubleClick |
Event triggered when a row is double clicked |
onPaginatedDataLoaded |
Event triggered when the paginated data is updated |
onRowDeleted |
Event triggered when there some row deletion |
onRowDeselected |
Event triggered when a row is deselected |
onRowSelected |
Event triggered when a row is selected |
getValue |
Returns the current page table data. |
Returns |
any[] |
getRenderedValue |
Returns the current page table renderer data. |
Parameters |
any[] |
getAllValues |
Returns the table data. |
Parameters |
any[] |
getAllRenderedValues |
Returns the table renderer data. |
Parameters |
any[] |
reinitialize |
Allow reinitialize table options adding options |
Parameters |
OTableInitializationOptions |
toogleRowExpandable |
Allow to expand or collapse the expandable row. |
Parameters |
row:data, rowIndex:number, event:Event |
queryData |
Allow to manage the call to the service data. |
Parameters |
filter:any, ovrrArgs?: OQueryDataArgs |
add |
Triggers navigation to new item insertion |
Parameters |
remove |
Remove selected rows |
Parameters |
clearSelectedItems: boolean = false |
showAndSelectAllCheckbox |
Select all rows. |
Parameters |
reloadData |
Reload table data. |
Parameters |
editDetail |
Triggers navigation to item edition, receiving item data |
Parameters |
item: any |
viewDetail |
Triggers navigation to item detail, receiving item data |
Parameters |
item: any |
clearFilters |
Clear all filters(column filter and quickfilter) and reload data |
Parameters |
riggerDatasourceUpdate: boolean = true |
setDataArray |
Set static data. |
Parameters |
data: Array |
getDataArray |
Get data table |
getSqlTypes |
Get sqlTypes from data source |
Parameters |
Directive: o-table-column
Name | Description | Default |
async-load no | yes | true | false |
Asynchronous query for this column |
no |
attr string |
Column name |
content-align start | center | end |
Column cell context alignment |
editable no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the column content can be edited. |
no |
format string |
Indicates the format in which you want to represent the date |
LL |
max-width string |
Indicates the min width of the column in px |
min-width string |
Indicates the min width of the column in px |
multiline no | yes | true | false |
Indicates whether or not to display the cell content in multiple lines if it is needed |
no |
orderable no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the column can be sorted |
yes |
resizable no | yes | true | false |
Indicates whether or not to resizable the column |
yes |
searchable no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the column content can be searched |
yes |
sql-type string |
Data type according to Java standard. See SQL Types |
title string |
Column title |
By default it is the attr translation except in the column of type action and image which by default the title doesn’t show it |
title-align start | center | end | auto |
Column title cell text alignment |
center |
tooltip no | yes | true | false |
Indicates whether or not the tooltip over column |
no |
tooltip-function function |
Callback function that will be executed when the mouse pointer over the column |
tooltip-value string |
type string | boolean | integer | real | currency | percentage | date | image | action | service |translate |
Column data type |
string |
width string |
Indicates the width of the column in px or % |
Directive: o-table-columns-filter
Name | Description | Default |
columns string |
Filterable columns separated by ‘;’. For each column attr it is indicated by which value is filtered, whether by the model (MODEL) or by the rendered (VIEW), using VIEW as default. |
o-table visible-columns value |
mode default | selection | custom |
Indicates the component performance mode. |
default |
preload-values no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show the list values when the filter dialog is opened. |
yes |
Directive: o-table-columns-filter-column
Name | Description | Default |
attr string |
Field identifier. Registry property if component is inside a form. |
sort asc|desc|'' |
Indicates sorting default of the results. |
’’ |
Directive: o-table-paginator
Name | Description | Default |
page-size number |
Number of items to display on a page. By default set to 10 |
10 |
Directive: o-table-option
Name | Description | Default |
attr string |
Field identifier. Registry property if component is inside a form. |
enabled no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the field is enabled |
yes |
icon string |
Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) |
priority_high |
label string |
Field label |
show-active-icon no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a icon when option is active |
no |
Directive: o-table-column-aggregate
Name | Description | Default |
aggregate sum | count | avg | min | max |
Default functions aggregate |
sum |
attr string |
Column name |
functionAggregate (value:any[]) => number |
Custom function aggregate |
title string |
Title for the header total column. |
Directive: o-table-column-calculated
Name | Description |
operation string |
Define the formula for the calculated column. |
operation-function (rowData: any[]) => number |
Responsible function for calculating the column values. It shoud return a number. The param ‘rowData’ contains the row values. |
Directive: o-table-context-menu
Name | Description | Default |
context-menu OContextMenuComponent |
Context menu component reference. |
copy boolean |
Indicates whether or not to show the option copy in the contextual menu. |
yes |
delete boolean |
Indicates whether or not to show the option to delete all in the contextual menu. |
yes |
edit boolean |
Indicates whether or not to show the option edit in the contextual menu. |
yes |
filter boolean |
Indicates whether or not to show the filtering options in the contextual menu. |
yes |
insert boolean |
Indicates whether the option to insert in the contextual menu is shown. |
yes |
refresh boolean |
Indicates whether or not to show the option to refresh all in the contextual menu. |
yes |
select-all boolean |
Indicates whether or not to show the option to select all in the contextual menu. |
yes |
view-detail boolean |
Indicates whether or not to show the option view details in the contextual menu. |
no |
Directive: o-table-insertable-row
Name | Description | Default |
columns string |
Insertable columns. Separated by ‘;’ |
All visible columns |
include-parent-keys no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to include the table parent-keys values in the insertion values |
yes |
position first | last |
Indicates wheter the insertable row is shown as first or last table record. |
last |
requiredColumns string |
Required columns for doing a insertion. Separated by ‘;’ |
show-placeholder no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show placeholder in row controls. |
no |
Name | Description |
onPostInsertRecord |
Event triggered when a successful insertion is done |
Directive: o-table-button
Name | Description | Default |
attr string |
Field identifier. Registry property if component is inside a form. |
enabled no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not the field is enabled |
yes |
icon string |
Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) |
priority_high |
icon-position left | right |
Icon position with respect to the text (if exists) |
left |
label string |
Field label |
svg-icon string |
Name of svg icon |
Directive: o-table-export-button
Name | Description | Default |
export-type string |
Indicates the exportation type |
icon string |
Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) |
priority_high |
label string |
Field label |
svg-icon string |
Name of svg icon |
Name | Description |
onClick |
Event triggered when the export button is clicked |
Directive: o-table-row-expandable
Name | Description | Default |
expandable-column-visible no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show a expandable column. |
yes |
icon-collapse string |
Icon name to collapse of google icon (see Google material design icons) |
remove |
icon-expand string |
Icon name to expand of google icon (see Google material design icons) |
add |
multiple no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to show multiple expanded rows at once. |
yes |
Name | Description |
onCollapsed |
Event triggered when a row is collapsed |
onExpanded |
Event triggered when a row is expanded |
Directive: o-expandable-container
Name | Description |
data object |
targets Array |
Components whose query will be launched when expanding the row |
OTableCellRendererActionComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-action
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
action detail | edit |
Default action of the cell when its clicked, triggers the navigation to the indicated mode |
icon string |
Name of google icon (see Google material design icons) |
icon-position left | right |
Icon position with respect to the text (if exists) |
left |
svg-icon string |
Name of svg icon |
text string |
Cell text |
Name | Description |
onClick |
Event triggered when cell renderer is clicked |
OTableCellRendererImageComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-boolean
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
boolean-type number | boolean | string |
Type of the cell value |
boolean |
false-value string |
Value considered as false |
render-false-value string |
Value displayed as false |
render-true-value string |
Value displayed as true |
render-type string | number | icon | image |
Type of the cell displayed value |
string |
true-value string |
Value considered as true |
OTableCellRendererCurrencyComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-currency
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
currency-symbol string |
Currency symbol (According to ISO 4217) |
dolar ($) |
currency-symbol-position left | right |
Position of currency symbol |
left |
decimal-separator string |
Decimal digits chacarter separator |
Dot (.) |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits |
yes |
max-decimal-digits number |
The maximun number of decimal digits |
2 |
min-decimal-digits number |
The minimum number of decimal digits |
2 |
thousand-separator string |
Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) |
Comma (,) |
OTableCellRendererDateComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-date
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description |
format string |
Date format. See MomentJS |
OTableCellRendererIntegerComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-integer
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits |
yes |
thousand-separator string |
Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) |
Comma (,) |
OTableCellRendererImageComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-image
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
avatar no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to visualize image as an avatar (as a circle) |
no |
empty-image string |
Image URL when field has no value |
image-type base64 | url |
Image type (external URL or base64) |
Model value |
OTableCellRendererPercentageComponent extends OTableCellRendererRealComponent
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-percentage
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
decimal-separator string |
Decimal digits chacarter separator |
Dot (.) |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits |
yes |
max-decimal-digits number |
The maximun number of decimal digits |
0 |
min-decimal-digits number |
The minimum number of decimal digits |
2 |
thousand-separator string |
Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) |
Comma (,) |
value-base 1 | 100 |
Indicates whether de numeral system of the value received by the cell renderer is 1 or 100 |
1 |
OTableCellEditorRealComponent extends OTableCellRendererIntegerComponent
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-real
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
decimal-separator string |
Decimal digits chacarter separator |
Dot (.) |
grouping no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to group the thousand digits |
yes |
max-decimal-digits number |
The maximun number of decimal digits |
2 |
min-decimal-digits number |
The minimum number of decimal digits |
2 |
thousand-separator string |
Thousand digits chacarter separator (in case of grouping) |
Comma (,) |
OTableCellRendererServiceComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-service
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
columns string |
Entity columns. Separated by ‘;’ |
entity string |
Service entity name |
parent-keys string |
Filtering keys. Separated by ‘;’. It is possible to use alias on the following way: entityCol1:tableCol1;entityCol2;tableCol2… where entityCol1 and entityCol2 are columns from the entity requested in the cell renderer and tableCol1 and tableCol2 are table columns. |
query-method string |
Service method name for queries |
query |
service string |
JEE service path |
service-type string |
Injection token indicated in the provider of the service |
value-column string |
Column of the entity from where the component will get its value |
OTableCellRendererTranslateComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-translate
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description |
translate-params (rowData: any) => any[] |
Function that receives the row data and return the parameters for the translate pipe |
OTableCellRendererTimeComponent extends OBaseTableCellRenderer
Directive: o-table-cell-renderer-time
Inherited properties
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- column
- table
- tableColumn
- templateref
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellRenderer:
- filter-source
- filterFunction
Name | Description | Default |
format string |
Date and time format. See MomentJS |
L HH:hh a |
OTableCellEditorTextComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-text
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
No additional inputs
Inherited outputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorBooleanComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-boolean
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Description | Default |
auto-commit yes | no | true | false |
Indicates whether or not to automatically change the cell value without rendering the editor (a checkbox) |
yes |
boolean-type number | boolean | string |
Type of the cell value |
boolean |
false-value number | boolean | string |
Value considered as false |
false |
indeterminate-on-null no | false | yes | true |
no |
true-value number | boolean | string |
Value considered as true |
true |
Inherited outputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorDateComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-date
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Description | Default |
date-value-type timestamp | string |
Inner value type of the table cell. Used for sending the cell data to the server in order to perform an update |
string |
filter-date (date: Date) => boolean |
Function for filtering datepicker possible values |
format string |
Date format. See MomentJS |
locale string. Values like es, en, ... |
Configured language locale |
Application configured locale |
max string |
Maximum selectable date |
min string |
Minimum selectable date |
start-at string |
Start date |
start-view month | year |
month |
touch-ui no | false | yes | true |
Indicates wheter to use the datepicker ‘touch-ui’ mode |
no |
Inherited outputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorIntegerComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-integer
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Description | Default |
max number |
Maximum value |
min number |
Minimum value |
step number |
Number interval |
1 |
Inherited outputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorRealComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-real
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Description | Default |
max number |
Maximum value |
min number |
Minimum value |
step number |
Number interval |
0.01 |
Inherited outputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorTimeComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-time
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
Name | Description | Default |
date-format string |
Date format. See MomentJS format |
MomentJS localized format L (see Localized formats in MomentJS format) |
date-locale string. Values like es, en, ... |
Configured language locale |
Application configured locale |
date-max string |
Maximum selectable date |
date-min string |
Minimum selectable date |
date-placeholder string |
The placeholder text for the date input |
date-start-at string |
Start date |
date-text-input-enabled no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to allow the user to edit the date input manually |
yes |
hour-format 12 | 24 |
Hour format. 12 hours format with AM PM |
24 |
hour-max string |
Maximum selectable date |
hour-min string |
Minimum selectable date |
hour-placeholder string |
The placeholder text for the hour input |
hour-text-input-enabled no | false | yes | true |
Indicates whether or not to allow the user to edit the hour input manually |
yes |
Inherited outputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord
OTableCellEditorEmailComponent extends OBaseTableCellEditor
Directive: o-table-cell-editor-email
Inherited inputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- enabled
- label
- required
- show-notification-on-edit
- show-placeholder
- update-record-on-edit
No additional inputs
Inherited outputs
from OBaseTableCellEditor:
- editionCancelled
- editionCommitted
- editionStarted
- onPostUpdateRecord