
The o-image component to display different types of images, including network images, base64 images or images from the local disk. This component can also be used within the form allowing the management of this data (add, modify or delete an image of the form).

Basic example

This example shows the obtaining and visualization of an image from the network, from relative url and even in base64 in the data propertie.

<!-- network images -->
 <o-image attr="image1" data=""></o-image>
 <!-- local network image -->
 <o-image attr="image2" data="assets/images/sidenav-opened.png"></o-image>
 <!-- base64 images-->
 <o-image attr="image3" [data]="dataBase64"></o-image>

public dataBase64= " BORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABGdBTUEAAK/INwWK6QAAABl0RVh0U29mdHd hcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAHjSURBVDjLdZO/alVBEMZ/5+TemxAbFUUskqAoSOJNp4KC 4AsoPoGFIHY+gA+jiJXaKIiChbETtBYLUbSMRf6Aydndmfks9kRjvHdhGVh2fvN9uzONJK7fe7Ai6algA 3FZCAmQqEF/dnihpK1v7x7dPw0woF64Izg3Xl5s1n9uIe0lQYUFCtjc+sVuEqHBKfpVAXB1vLzQXFtdYP HkGFUCoahVo1Y/fnie+bkBV27c5R8A0pHxyhKvPn5hY2MHRQAQeyokFGJze4cuZfav3gLNYDTg7Pklzpw 4ijtIQYRwFx6BhdjtCk+erU0CCPfg+/o2o3ZI13WUlLGo58YMg+GIY4dmCWkCAAgPzAspJW5ePFPlV3VI 4uHbz5S5IQfy/yooHngxzFser30iFcNcuAVGw3A0Ilt91IkAsyCXQg5QO0szHEIrogkiguwN2acCoJhjn ZGKYx4Ujz5WOA2YD1BMU+BBSYVUvNpxkXuIuWgbsOxTHrG3UHIFWIhsgXtQQpTizNBS5jXZQkhkcywZqQ QlAjdRwiml7wU5xWLaL1AvZa8WIjALzIRZ7YVWDW5CiIj48Z8F2pYLl1ZR0+AuzEX0UX035mxIkLq0dhD w5vXL97fr5O3rfwQHJhPx4uuH57f2AL8BfPrVlrs6xwsAAAAASUVORK5CYII=";

Image component

Empty image

The o-image component allow add an empty image when the data is empty.

For example:

    <o-image attr="PHOTO" class="customer-picture" empty-image="./assets/images/no-image.png" ></o-image>

Image Empty

Show controls

The o-image component show controls by default, you can configure hide the controls by setting the value no to show-controls attribute.

Configure size

The o-image component adjust size the image by default, you can disable this functionality setting the value no to auto-fit attribute.

You can also add the height and the width to an o-image component with height and width attribute in px or in %.

You can see this and more examples of this component in the OntimizeWeb playground


The o-image shows automatically an error message inside of the form when the required attribute is set to ‘yes’ and there is no value on the input.
