Side menu

This component is **deprecated** and will be removed in following versions.

The o-side-menu component displays a side menu on the page where it is included. It is recommended to include it in the main component of you OntimizeWeb application, where the router-outlet is placed, so the side menu will be always visible.

For building the side menu component you must include different components

Side menu item

The o-side-menu-item component represents each item of the side menu component. It can be grouped with the o-side-menu-group component. This component is the responsible of executing the actions on the side menu, the action can be navigating to the configured route or executing an action provided by the user. Check the API section of this page for more information.

Side menu group

The o-side-menu-group component is used to group a set of o-side-menu-item components. It displays the contained menu items as a drop down list when the cursor pass over it.

Side menu separator

The o-side-menu-separator component is used only for styling purposes. It displays a separator between two o-side-menu-item or o-side-menu-group components.


<o-side-menu title="APP_TITLE">
  <o-side-menu-group title="VIEW">
    <o-side-menu-item title="HOME" icon="home" route="/main/home"></o-side-menu-item>
    <o-side-menu-item title="CUSTOMERS" icon="people" route="/main/customers"></o-side-menu-item>
    <o-side-menu-item title="ACCOUNTS" icon="credit_card" route="/main/accounts"></o-side-menu-item>
    <o-side-menu-item title="BRANCHES" icon="account_balance" route="/main/branches"></o-side-menu-item>
    <o-side-menu-item title="EMPLOYEES" icon="airline_seat_recline_normal" route="/main/employees"></o-side-menu-item>

  <o-side-menu-group title="OPTIONS">
    <o-side-menu-group title="LANGUAGE">
      <o-side-menu-item title="English"></o-side-menu-item>
      <o-side-menu-item title="EspaƱol"></o-side-menu-item>
    <o-side-menu-item title="LOGOUT" icon="power_settings_new" route="/login" confirm="MESSAGES.CONFIRM_LOGOUT"></o-side-menu-item>

  <o-side-menu-item title="VERSION" [action]="showVersionCallback"></o-side-menu-item>
