Multi Bar Chart


You can check a running example of this Multi Bar Chart here.

All chart parameters for the Multi Bar Chart can be checked in the API tab.

Basic Example


<o-chart type="multiBar" x-label="Time" y-label="Amount (€)" layout-fill entity="EMovementsGrouped" x-axis="DATE_" y-axis="MOVEMENT;AVERAGE;BALANCE" x-data-type="time"></o-chart>

Custom Configuration Example


<o-chart #multiBar type="multiBar" x-label="Time" y-label="Amount (€)" [data]="data" x-data-type="time" layout-fill></o-chart>


import { Component, Injector, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { OntimizeService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';
import { OChartComponent, ChartService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx-charts';

declare var d3: any;
  selector: 'multi-bar',
  templateUrl: './multi-bar.component.html'
export class MultiBarComponent {

  @ViewChild('multiBar', {static: false})
  protected multiBar: OChartComponent;

  protected yAxis: string = 'MOVEMENT';
  protected xAxis: string = 'DATE_';

  protected data: Array<Object>;

  constructor(protected injector: Injector) {  }

  ngAfterViewInit() {

    if (this.multiBar) {
      let chartService: ChartService = this.multiBar.getChartService();
      if (chartService) {
        let chartOps = chartService.getChartOptions();

        // Configuring x axis...
        chartOps['xAxis']['tickFormat'] =
          function (d) {
            return d3.time.format('%d/%m/%y')(new Date(d));
          chartOps['yAxis']['tickFormat'] = function (d) {
            return d3.format(',f')(d) + '';

        // Configuring y axis...
        var yScale = d3.scale.linear();
        chartOps['yScale'] = yScale;
        chartOps['yDomain'] = [-1000, 6000];

    // Ontimize service query...
    let service: OntimizeService = this.injector.get(OntimizeService);
    let conf = service.getDefaultServiceConfiguration();
    conf['entity'] = 'EMovements';

    let filter = {
      'ACCOUNTID': 7310
    service.query(filter, []).subscribe((resp) => {
      if (resp.code === 0) {

  adaptResult(data: Array<any>) {
    if (data && data.length) {
      let values = this.processValues(data); = [
          'key': 'Movement',
          'values': values['movement'],
          'color': '#3498db'
          'key': 'Average Balance',
          'values': values['average'],
          'color': '#e74c3c'
          'key': 'Total Balance',
          'values': values['total'],
          'color': '#f9c922'

  processValues(data: Array<Object>): Object {
    let values = {
      'movement': [],
      'average': [],
      'total': []
    var self = this;
    let balance = 0.0;
    let average = 0.0;
    data.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
      let val = {
        'x': item[self.xAxis],
        'y': item[self.yAxis]

      balance += val.y;
      let val2 = {
        'x': val.x,
        'y': balance

      average += balance;
      let val3 = {
        'x': val.x,
        'y': (average / (index + 1))

    return values;

JSON (Custom Data)

    "key": "Movement",
    "values": [
        "x": 1235490657851,
        "y": 951
        "x": 1236110357961,
        "y": -80
        "x": 1236402213822,
        "y": 653
        "x": 1236611284898,
        "y": -548
        "x": 1242673437363,
        "y": -949
        "x": 1245260962425,
        "y": 552
        "x": 1246875825338,
        "y": 432
        "x": 1254322811810,
        "y": 1756
        "x": 1254388791367,
        "y": -169
        "x": 1255948329905,
        "y": -23
    "key": "Average Balance",
    "values": [
        "x": 1235490657851,
        "y": 951
        "x": 1236110357961,
        "y": 911
        "x": 1236402213822,
        "y": 1115.3333333333333
        "x": 1236611284898,
        "y": 1080.5
        "x": 1242673437363,
        "y": 869.8
        "x": 1245260962425,
        "y": 821.3333333333334
        "x": 1246875825338,
        "y": 848.4285714285714
        "x": 1254322811810,
        "y": 1088.25
        "x": 1254388791367,
        "y": 1256
        "x": 1255948329905,
        "y": 1387.9
    "key": "Total Balance",
    "values": [
        "x": 1235490657851,
        "y": 951
        "x": 1236110357961,
        "y": 871
        "x": 1236402213822,
        "y": 1524
        "x": 1236611284898,
        "y": 976
        "x": 1242673437363,
        "y": 27
        "x": 1245260962425,
        "y": 579
        "x": 1246875825338,
        "y": 1011
        "x": 1254322811810,
        "y": 2767
        "x": 1254388791367,
        "y": 2598
        "x": 1255948329905,
        "y": 2575
