DataTable (Deprecated)

Ontimize Web DataTable

An implementation of DataTable library for Ontimize Web.


Ontimize Web DataTable module is stored in github where you can also see/add todos, bugs or feature requests in the issues section.


  npm install ontimize-web-ngx-datatable --save


Finally, you can use ‘ontimize-web-ngx-datatable’ in your Ontimize Web project.

Configure angular-cli.json dependencies

You must add the module styles definition in your ‘.angular-cli.json’ file styles array:

"styles": [

Add the ontimize-web-ngx-datatable theme

You should also add the theme depending module styles. For that, you have to import module theme in your ‘app.scss’ file after the ‘$theme’ definition:

@import 'node_modules/ontimize-web-ngx-datatable/o-datatable-theme.scss';
@include o-datatable-theme($theme);

Import in an application module

Include the datatable module into your app in the module where you want to use it.

import { ODataTableModule } from 'ontimize-web-ngx-datatable';

  imports: [
    /* other imports */
  declarations: ...
  providers: ...
export class ExampleModule { }
