
This section describes the OntimizeWeb services an how to extend them to add or modify its functionality.

Ontimize services

OntimizeWeb services are used for fetching and saving data from servers based on Ontimize. There is two types of Ontimize services depending on the server technology used: OntimizeService and OntimizeEEService. You must indicate which one the application will use by configuring the serviceType attribute in the application configuration.

Ontimize services methods

Both services OntimizeService and OntimizeEEService have the same methods for configuring and sending request to the server. This methods are the following:

/* Configuration methods */
getDefaultServiceConfiguration(serviceName?: string): Object;
configureService(config: any): void;

/* CRUD methods */
query(kv?: Object, av?: Array<string>, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object): Observable<any>;
advancedQuery(kv?: Object, av?: Array<string>, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object,
  offset?: number, pagesize?: number, orderby?: Array<Object>): Observable<any>;
insert(av: Object, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object): Observable<any>;
update(kv: Object, av: Object, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object): Observable<any>;
delete(kv: Object, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object): Observable<any>;

* Successful response parsers, there is one parser for each CRUD method which calls to the common parser.
* User can overwrite the chosen methods parsers or the common parser
protected parseSuccessfulResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseSuccessfulQueryResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseSuccessfulAdvancedQueryResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseSuccessfulInsertResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseSuccessfulUpdateResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseSuccessfulDeleteResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);

* Unsuccessful response parsers, there is one parser for each CRUD method which calls to the common parser.
* User can overwrite the chosen methods parsers or the common parser
protected parseUnsuccessfulResponse(error: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseUnsuccessfulQueryResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseUnsuccessfulAdvancedQueryResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseUnsuccessfulInsertResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseUnsuccessfulUpdateResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);
protected parseUnsuccessfulDeleteResponse(resp: any, _innerObserver: any);

/* Authentication methods */
startsession(user: string, password: string): Observable<any>;
endsession(user: string, sessionId: number): Observable<any>;
redirectLogin?(sessionExpired?: boolean);

CRUD methods

The CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) methods are used to perform standard Ontimize operations:

  • query: performs a request to get data from the server.
    • kv: indicates the filtering values. An empty object means that no filter will be applied into the request.
    • av: indicates the columns that you want to request.
    • entity: indicates the entity to perform the request.
    • sqltypes: object with the data types for each colum that participates in the request according to Java standard (see SQLType).
  • advancedQuery: performs a request to get paginated data from the server.
    • kv: indicates the filtering values. An empty object means that no filter will be applied into the request.
    • av: indicates the columns that you want to request.
    • entity: indicates the entity to perform the request.
    • sqltypes: object with the data types for each colum that participates in the request according to Java standard (see SQLType).
    • offset: the index of the first item requested in the collection.
    • pagesize: the number of items requested.
    • orderby: object with the sorting that will be applied to the request result.
  • insert: performs a insert operation request to the server.
    • av: indicates the values to insert.
    • entity: indicates the entity to perform the request.
    • sqltypes: object with the data types for each colum that participates in the request according to Java standard (see SQLType).
  • update: performs an update operation request to the server.
    • kv: indicates the filtering values for performing the update.
    • av: indicates the values to update.
    • entity: indicates the entity to perform the request.
    • sqltypes: object with the data types for each colum that participates in the request according to Java standard (see SQLType).
  • delete: performs an delete operation request to the server.
    • kv: indicates the filtering values for performing the deletion.
    • entity: indicates the entity to perform the request.
    • sqltypes: object with the data types for each colum that participates in the request according to Java standard (see SQLType).

Server response interface

The standard response of the requests made to Ontimize based servers always follows the following structure:

    code: number;
    data: Array<Object>;
    message: '';
    sqlTypes?: Object;
    startRecordIndex?: number;
    totalQueryRecordsNumber?: number;

Where the attributes indicates the following:

  • code: indicates the result of the operation: 0 for successful operations, 1 for unsuccessful operations, 3 for session expired.
  • data: the data requested.
  • message: a message in case the response was not successful.
  • sqlTypes: indicates the data type according to Java standard. See SQL Types.
  • startRecordIndex: in paginated queries, indicates the position of the first retrieved record in the collection.
  • totalQueryRecordsNumber: in paginated queries, indicates the total number of record of the collection.

You can see an example of a Ontimize service request response in the image below. You can see the complete response here.

Ontimize service response example

Example of Ontimize Service in a component

Below we will show an example of how to configure and use an Ontimize service.

protected service: OntimizeService;

constructor(protected injector: Injector) {
  this.service = this.injector.get(OntimizeService);

ngOnInit() {

protected configureService() {
  const conf = this.service.getDefaultServiceConfiguration();
  conf['path'] = '/movements';

getMovements(data) {
  if (data.hasOwnProperty('ACCOUNTID') && this.service !== null) {
    const filter = {
      'ACCOUNTID': data['ACCOUNTID']
    const columns = [this.yAxis, this.xAxis, 'DATE_'];
    this.service.query(filter, columns, 'movement').subscribe((resp) => {
      if (resp.code === 0) {
      } else {
        alert('Impossible to query data!');


Extending Ontimize services

You may need extra functionality or changing the behaviour of a service, for doing this follow the next steps:

Create an extended Ontimize service

Create a new service class that extends an Ontimize service (OntimizeService or OntimizeEEService). In the following example we are creating a service called StarsWarsService that extends the OntimizeEEService.

import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';

import { OntimizeEEService } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';

export class StarsWarsService extends OntimizeEEService {

  constructor(protected injector: Injector) {


Once your service is created you must decide if it will be used in the whole application or only in specific components.

Use your service in the whole application

In case you want all the components in your application to use your new service, you have to modify serviceType attribute in the application configuration. Import your service class and include it in the serviceType attribute like in the example below.

import { StarsWarsService } from './shared/stars-wars.service';

export const CONFIG: Config = {


  // The service type used (Ontimize REST standart, Ontimize REST JEE or custom implementation) in the whole application.
  serviceType: StarsWarsService,



Now you can override the methods indicated in the previous section. The following example shows the new service consuming the Stars Wars API for querying different entities. We have override the query and the advancedQuery methods for making simple and paginated request to the API. Note that we must adapt the API response to the ontimize service response for using the retrieved data with the OntimizeWeb components.

import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';

import { OntimizeEEService, Observable, Util } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';

export class StarsWarsService extends OntimizeEEService {

  constructor(protected injector: Injector) {

  public query(kv?: Object, av?: Array<string>, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object): Observable<any> {
    const url = '' + entity + '/?format=json';

    let _innerObserver: any;
    const dataObservable = new Observable(observer => _innerObserver = observer).share();

    const self = this;
    this.httpClient.get(url).subscribe(resp => {

      // Prepare response for ontimize components
      let response = {
        code: 0,
        data: resp['results'],
        message: ''
    }, error => {
      self.parseUnsuccessfulQueryResponse(error, _innerObserver);
    }, () => _innerObserver.complete());
    return dataObservable;

  public advancedQuery(kv?: Object, av?: Array<string>, entity?: string, sqltypes?: Object, offset?: number, pagesize?: number, orderby?: Array<Object>): Observable<any> {
    offset = (Util.isDefined(offset)) ? offset : this.offset;

    // Calculate page
    let page = 0;
    if (Util.isDefined(offset)) {
      page = Math.trunc(offset / 10) + 1;

    let url = '' + entity + '/?format=json' + '&page=' + page;

    let _innerObserver: any;
    const dataObservable = new Observable(observer => _innerObserver = observer).share();

    const self = this;
    this.httpClient.get(url).subscribe(resp => {
      // Prepare response for ontimize components
      let response = {
        code: 0,
        data: resp['results'],
        message: '',
        startRecordIndex: Util.isDefined(resp['previous']) ? (10 * (page - 1)) + 1 : 0,
        totalQueryRecordsNumber: resp['count']
    }, error => {
      self.parseUnsuccessfulQueryResponse(error, _innerObserver);
    }, () => _innerObserver.complete());
    return dataObservable;


The following example shows a o-table component configured for retrieving starships using the new service.

<o-table attr="starships" entity="starships" columns="name;model;manufacturer;starship_class;crew;passengers"
  visible-columns="name;model;manufacturer;starship_class;passengers" pageable="yes" quick-filter="no" insert-button="no" fxFlex>



Use your service in a specific component

If you want to use your service in a specific component instead of using it in the whole application, you have to create a factory method that returns a new instance of your service and add a provider to your module indicating the factory method like in the example below.

import { StarsWarsService } from '../../shared/stars-wars.service';

export function starsWarsServiceFactory(injector: Injector): StarsWarsService {
  return new StarsWarsService(injector);



  providers: [{
    provide: 'starsWars',
    useFactory: starsWarsServiceFactory,
    deps: [Injector]
export class MyModule { }

Once the service is included in the providers of your module, an instance of it will be available in the module, so you can configure the components for using it. For this, configure the service-type attribute in the component with the value of the provide attribute indicated in the previous step. Check the example below.

<o-table attr="starships" entity="starships" columns="name;model;manufacturer;starship_class;crew;passengers"
  visible-columns="name;model;manufacturer;starship_class;passengers"  pageable="yes" quick-filter="no" insert-button="no" fxFlex



Define your own CRUD methods

All the OntimizeWeb components that use services for retrieving data have the attributes query-method, paginated-query-method, insert-method, update-method and deleted-method. The purpose of these attributes is allowing the component to use your own CRUD methods defined in your service. With this you can define, for example, as many query methods as you want.

In the example below we have defined the getSkywalker method that retrieves information from the API.

import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';

import { OntimizeEEService, Observable, Util } from 'ontimize-web-ngx';

export class StarsWarsService extends OntimizeEEService {


  public getSkywalker(): Observable<any> {
    const url = '';

    let _innerObserver: any;
    const dataObservable = new Observable(observer => _innerObserver = observer).share();

    const self = this;
    this.httpClient.get(url).subscribe(resp => {
      // Prepare response for ontimize components
      let response = {
        code: 0,
        data: resp,
        message: ''
    }, error => {
      self.parseUnsuccessfulQueryResponse(error, _innerObserver);
    }, () => _innerObserver.complete());
    return dataObservable;


Now you can configure the query-method attribute of your component to use the method defined previously.

<o-form service-type="starsWars" query-method="getSkywalker" header-actions="R">
  <o-text-input attr="name" read-only="yes"></o-text-input>
  <o-text-input attr="birth_year" read-only="yes"></o-text-input>
  <o-text-input attr="gender" read-only="yes"></o-text-input>
  <o-text-input attr="height" read-only="yes"></o-text-input>
  <o-text-input attr="mass" read-only="yes"></o-text-input>

Define your own successful/unsuccessful request callback methods

Each CRUD method has it owns successful and unsuccessful request callbacks, called when the request ends. User can override or extends this methods to modify its behaviour. This methods are: parseSuccessfulMETHODResponse and parseUnsuccessfulMETHODResponse where METHOD is query, advancedQuery, update,insert or delete.

Both services OntimizeService and OntimizeEEService also have the generic succesful and unsuccessful request callback which are parseSuccessfulResponse and parseUnsuccessfulResponse. This callbacks are called from the previous explained CRUD method callbacks so user can chose whether to override a particular or the generic callback.
