Employee details form

In this section we will define the form that will show the table that contains the details of a determined employee.

The employees.routes.ts file was configured that if the url was ‘employees/:EMPLOYEEID’ the system renders the component EmployeesDetailComponent. We will now create this component.

Inside the employees/detail directory we have to create the following files:

  • employees-detail.component.html: Contains the html template definition of our screen.
  • employees-detail.component.scss: Contains specific screen css styles (saas definition), if needed.
  • employees-detail.component.ts: Contains the logic of the screen.

The contents of these files are shown below:


<div layout="row" layout-padding layout-align="center center">

  <o-form layout="column" show-header="yes" label-header="EMPLOYEES" header-actions="R;U;D" entity="EEmployees" keys="EMPLOYEEID"

      <div layout="column">
        <div layout="row" flex>
          <div layout="column" flex="75">
            <o-text-input attr="EMPLOYEENAME" flex layout-padding></o-text-input>
            <o-text-input attr="EMPLOYEESURNAME" flex layout-padding></o-text-input>
          <div flex="25" layout-aling="center center">
            <o-image attr="EMPLOYEEPHOTO" emptyimage="./assets/images/no-image.png"></o-image>

        <div layout="row">
          <o-date-input attr="EMPLOYEESTARTDATE" layout-padding></o-date-input>-->
          <o-email-input attr="EMPLOYEEEMAIL" flex layout-padding></o-email-input>

        <o-text-input attr="EMPLOYEEADDRESS" flex layout-padding></o-text-input>

        <div layout="row" flex >
          <o-combo attr="EMPLOYEETYPEID" flex layout-padding
            query-on-init="no" query-on-bind="yes" enabled="yes" value-column="EMPLOYEETYPEID"
            entity="EEmployeeTypes" keys="EMPLOYEETYPEID" columns="EMPLOYEETYPEID;EMPLOYEETYPENAME"

          <o-list-picker attr="OFFICEID" flex layout-padding
            query-on-init="no" query-on-bind="yes" enabled="yes" filter="yes" value-column="OFFICEID"
            entity="EBranches" keys="OFFICEID" columns="OFFICEID;NAME"




import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  moduleId: module.id,
  selector: 'employees-detail',
  styleUrls: ['employees-detail.component.css'],
  templateUrl: 'employees-detail.component.html'
export class EmployeesDetailComponent {


We have now defined the form that contains the information of a determined employee in the html template. This data is provided through the configured Ontimize service. You can find further information about component configuration parameters in the Components section.

In the logic file nothing special is done, we simply define the paths of the css and html files.