
In this section we are going to show how to define components permissions.


Ontimize Web has the feature of controlling components presence, state or its actions by the use of server defined permissions.

Permissions configuration

In the application configuration section you can see how to configure the permissions service for getting the permissions data from server.

Permissions definition example

In the following example you can explore a Ontimize Web application permissions definition:

  "components": [
      "selector": "o-form",
      "components": [
        {"attr":"ID","visible": false,"enabled": false},
        {"attr":"NAME","visible": true,"enabled": false},
        {"attr":"SURNAME","visible": true,"enabled": false},
        {"attr":"STARTDATE","visible": false,"enabled": true}
      "actions": [
        { "attr": "insert", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
        { "attr": "update", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
        { "attr": "delete", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
        { "attr": "refresh", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
        { "attr": "example", "visible": false, "enabled": false }
  "routes": [
      "permissionId": "customer-detail-permissions",
      "components": [
          "selector": "o-form",
          "components": [
            { "attr":"ID","visible": true, "enabled": false }
          "attr": "customer_accounts",
          "selector": "o-table",
          "columns" : [
            { "attr": "STARTDATE", "visible": false, "enabled": true },
            { "attr": "ENDDATE", "visible": true, "enabled": false }
        }, {
          "selector": "o-form",
          "components": [
            { "attr":"BALANCE","visible": false, "enabled": false }
    }, {
      "permissionId": "branch-detail-permissions",
      "enabled": false
  "menu": [
    { "attr": "customers", "visible": true, "enabled": true },
    { "attr": "accounts", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "branches", "visible": false, "enabled": true },
    { "attr": "employees", "visible": false, "enabled": false }

Components permissions

The components properties must contain an array of Ontimize Web components permissions definition. In the following sections we will explore the components which have configurable permissions. All of them have common attributes:

  • selector: Ontimize Web component selector.
  • attr: component attr value, used for matching the permissions definition with the application component.


The o-form component has two configurable sections: components and actions.

  "selector": "o-form",
  "components": [
    {"attr":"ID","visible": false,"enabled": false},
    {"attr":"NAME","visible": true,"enabled": false},
    {"attr":"SURNAME","visible": true,"enabled": false},
    {"attr":"STARTDATE","visible": false,"enabled": true}
  "actions": [
    { "attr": "insert", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "update", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "delete", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "refresh", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "example", "visible": false, "enabled": false }

Inner form components

The components property must be an array containing the permissions of the inner form components. Each component permisisons contains its attr, used for its identification, and the visible and enabled boolean properties.

Form actions

The actions property must be an array containing the form available actions permissions, each one identified with its attr. There are two types of actions:

  • insert, update, delete and refresh: standard form actions.
  • Custom user actions.

The actions permissions have two effects:

  • Hiding or disabling the form buttons of each action.
  • Disabling (if permissions object says so) the standard form actions executions.


The o-table component has three configurable sections: columns, menu and actions.

  "attr": "customer_table_home",
  "selector": "o-table",
  "columns" : [
    { "attr": "NAME", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "SURNAME", "visible": false, "enabled": true },
    { "attr": "ADDRESS", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "STARTDATE", "visible": true, "enabled": true }
  "menu": {
    "visible": true,
    "enabled": true,
    "items": [
      { "attr": "select-all-checkbox", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
      { "attr": "export", "visible": false, "enabled": true },
      { "attr": "show-hide-columns", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
      { "attr": "filter", "visible": true, "enabled": true },
      { "attr": "configuration", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
      { "attr": "example", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
      { "attr": "example2", "visible": false, "enabled": true }
  "actions": [
    { "attr": "update", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "delete", "visible": false, "enabled": true },
    { "attr": "insert", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "refresh", "visible": true, "enabled": true },
    { "attr": "detail", "visible": false, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "example", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "example2", "visible": false, "enabled": true }

Table columns

The columns property must be an array containing the permissions of the table columns. Each column permisisons contains its attr, used for its identification, and the visible and enabled boolean properties.

Table menu

The menu property must be an object containing the permissions of the table menu. This object has the following properties:

  • visible: boolean property that indicates if the table menu is visible.
  • enabled: boolean property that indicates if the table menu is enabled.
  • items: this property must be an array containing the permissions of the menu items. There are two types of menu items:

    • select-all-checkbox, export, show-hide-columns, filter and configuration: standard table options.
    • Custom user menu items, added by the user with the o-table-option component.

Table actions

The actions property must be an array containing the form available actions permissions, each one identified with its attr. There are two types of actions:

  • insert, update, delete, refresh and detail: standard table actions.
  • Custom user actions, added by the user with the o-table-button component.

The actions permissions have two effects:

  • Hiding or disabling the table buttons of each action.
  • Disabling (if permissions object says so) the standard table actions executions.

Routes permissions

The routes property must be an array containing the permissions defined for a given route.

  "routes": [
      "permissionId": "customer-detail-permissions",
      "components": [
          "selector": "o-form",
          "components": [
            { "attr":"ID","visible": true, "enabled": false }
          "attr": "customer_accounts",
          "selector": "o-table",
          "columns" : [
            { "attr": "STARTDATE", "visible": false, "enabled": true },
            { "attr": "ENDDATE", "visible": true, "enabled": false }
        }, {
          "selector": "o-form",
          "components": [
            { "attr":"BALANCE","visible": false, "enabled": false }
    }, {
      "permissionId": "branch-detail-permissions",
      "enabled": false

Each element of this array contains the permissions of a given route, having the following properties:

  • permissionId: route identification. For matching the permissions object definition and a given route in the Ontimize Web app, you have to add a object to the data property in the route configuration object (oPermission) in your routing module, as you can see in the following example.

  • components: array of Ontimize Web components permissions definition. As seen in the previous section of this page.

  • enabled: boolean property that indicates if the given route is accesible in the app.

export const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', component: CustomersHomeComponent },
  { path: 'new', component: CustomersNewComponent },
    path: ':CUSTOMERID',
    component: CustomersDetailComponent,
    data: {
      oPermission: {
        permissionId: 'customer-detail-permissions'
  { path: ':CUSTOMERID/accounts', loadChildren: loadAccountsModule }

In this case, all the :CUSTOMERID path inner components will be affected by the permissions defined under the ‘customer-detail-permissions’ permissionId. When a component has permissions defined in general components array and in a route components array, its permissions are computed merging both objects. The route permissions have preference over the general definition.

If the given route is not enabled (as you can see in the ‘branch-detail-permissions’ permissions definition in the previous JSON definition), user wont be allowed to navigate to that route in the Ontimize Web app. And, in addition, if the routing module object has defined the restrictedPermissionsRedirect property, app wil be redirected to that page. Ontimize Web has the default forbidden access redirect page defined in the route ‘403’.

export const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', component: BranchesHomeComponent },
  { path: 'new', component: BranchesEditComponent },
    path: ':OFFICEID', component: BranchesDetailComponent,
    data: {
      oPermission: {
        permissionId: 'branch-detail-permissions',
        restrictedPermissionsRedirect: '403', /* Ontimize Web defined component */
        // restrictedPermissionsRedirect: 'main' /* App route */
  { path: ':OFFICEID/edit', component: BranchesEditComponent },
  { path: ':OFFICEID/accounts', loadChildren: loadAccountsModule }

Menu Permissions

The menu property must be an array containing the permissions of the application menu options configured in the menu section in the application configuration. Each menu option is identified with its attr property. It also contains the visible and enabled boolean properties.

  "menu": [
    { "attr": "customers", "visible": true, "enabled": true },
    { "attr": "accounts", "visible": true, "enabled": false },
    { "attr": "branches", "visible": false, "enabled": true },
    { "attr": "employees", "visible": false, "enabled": false }
