

The o-form component is a special component that allows you to handle a large amount of data and perform operations on data such as creation, deletion, updating and querying.

This component makes data management easier and allows the developer to focus on the application layout and logic.

The data representation is performed via form components (such as text, checkbox and combo boxes), lists, or tables.

You can find further information about this component here.

Detail form

A detail form is an special usage of the form component. A form is called detail form when it is used to manage a piece of data from a collection. The most common use case of a detail form is for displaying the data related to a table record. This use case can be achieved with OntimizeWeb by combining the o-form and the o-table component.

You can read more about this topic in the detail form section.

Form layout manager

A very common feature on management applications is displaying a form with the details related to a row from a data table. As a solution for this, OntimizeWeb offers the o-form-layout-manager component, that allows you managing the transitions between the data table and the form with the row details.

You can read more about this component here.
